Ban Bilderberg

June 12, 2012 AFP 0

• Are Bilderberg attendees breaking the law? You bet! By Vince Ryan This year’s meeting of the Bilderberg Group* was held in the elegant Westfields Marriot Hotel in Chantilly, Va., a suburb of Washington, D.C., […]

A World Without Bilderberg

June 12, 2012 AFP 0

• Is it Possible to Eliminate This Globalist Menace? “The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism, when we won’t have countries but rather regions of Earth surrounded by universal values.” —William Shannon, U.S. […]

AFP Reporter Hogtied, Arrested

June 12, 2012 AFP 1

• Rough treatment seen as tactic to intimidate other reporters By Christopher J. Petherick In an event that shocked even veteran patriotic attendees of past Bilderberg conferences, 25-year-old AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter Olga Belinskaya was […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: The Truth About Hutaree—Part 2

June 5, 2012 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW On March 27, United States District Judge Victoria Roberts dismissed almost all charges against seven members of the so-called Hutaree militia, stating that angry “diatribes” and “hatred of law enforcement” did not add […]

AFP PODCAST: Forecasting Revolutions

June 4, 2012 AFP 0

AFP PODCAST Is it possible  to feed 100M news articles from around the world stretching back 25 years into a supercomputer to predict the future? Kalev H. Leetaru, former Assistant Director for Text and Digital […]

What is Bilderberg?

June 2, 2012 AFP 7

An excerpt from Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary… The Bilderberg group is an organization of political leaders and international financiers that meets secretly every spring to make global policy. There are about 110 regulars—Rockefellers, Rothschilds, bankers, […]

Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary

June 2, 2012 AFP 0

In Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker, Jr., Editor Emeritus of AMERICAN FREE PRESS, lays out, for the first time, his entire remarkable history of covering Bilderberg literally infiltrating Bilderberg meetings, procuring their private […]


June 2, 2012 AFP 0

Get your copy of THE BILDERBERG FILES, a collection of rare documents that prove Bilderberg exists and is a danger to our world. Yes, Bilderberg does exist. And, yes, it is a “conspiracy” in the […]

AFP PODCAST: Jim Tucker Live at Bilderberg

June 2, 2012 AFP 0

AFP PODCAST James P. Tucker, Jr., Editor Emeritus for AMERICAN FREE PRESS, live in Chantilly, Virginia, updates listeners on the secretive gathering of the Bilderberg group in this interview (15:40). Tucker details the history of […]

AFP PODCAST: Mark Anderson Live at Bilderberg

June 1, 2012 AFP 0

AFP PODCAST Mark Anderson, Roving Editor for AMERICAN FREE PRESS, live in Chantilly, Virginia, updates listeners on the secretive gathering of the Bilderberg group in this interview (10:41). Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the […]

Give Peace a Chance

May 28, 2012 AFP 0

• Thousands of all stripes gather to demand end to war • NATO summiteers cower behind locked doors in Chicago By Mark Anderson CHICAGO—Police and security personnel outnumbered and corralled the 3,500-plus protesters at the […]

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