Couple’s Baby ‘Legally’ Stolen by CPS

May 16, 2013 AFP 0

• Child Protective Services orders cops to seize little boy after couple seeks second opinion on medical condition By Keith Johnson In modern-day America, parental rights are being systematically compromised by domineering government bureaucrats who […]

Terrorist Linked to SPLC

May 8, 2013 AFP 0

• Pro-family Christians targeted by gun-wielding worshipper of Morris Dees By Ralph Forbes The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in late April released a chilling video of a gunman openly admitting his motivation for wanting […]

America’s Black Eye

May 8, 2013 AFP 0

• Loudest black voices in U.S. preach “dependency” & “victimization” By Victor Thorn Despite an initial blackout in the press, news of a real-life Hannibal Lecter abortion clinic in Philadelphia shocked Americans. Due to the […]

Amnesty = Treason

May 1, 2013 AFP 0

• Fast-tracking citizenship for illegals is not in our best interest. By Victor Thorn — On April 16, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced sweeping immigration reform legislation (S. 744) into Congress. Almost immediately, seven senators […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: AIPAC Slaps America in the Face, Again

May 1, 2013 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Alison Weir, former journalist and founder of If Americans Knew, a nonprofit organization that focuses on the Israel-Palestine conflict, specializing in statistical analysis, and president of The Council for the National Interest, discusses Israel’s […]

Boston Bombing Plot Thickens

April 25, 2013 AFP 0

• Unlike Sandy Hook Elementary, researchers in Boston have wealth of photographic evidence • Dead alleged Boston bomber said to have had long relationship with U.S. intelligence By Pat Shannan When federal charges were filed […]

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