• Is it Possible to Eliminate This Globalist Menace?
“The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism, when we won’t have countries but rather regions of Earth surrounded by universal values.”
—William Shannon, U.S. ambassador to Ireland
By Mark Anderson
CHANTILLY, Va.—The ill effects of Bilderberg—a fusion of corporations, central banking, big media and government into the world’s most exclusive club, whose profiteering from perpetual war knows no bounds—are there for all to see. Witness, among other things, the tragic, languishing military misadventures that are Iraq and Afghanistan, the clandestine world of wicked drone strikes in Yemen, Pakistan and elsewhere, and the elite-backed Irish vote in early June to imprison Ireland even more deeply into the eurozone debt trap.
Call it eternal debt, married to war, on autopilot. As Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski recently told the pro-NATO Chicago Council on Global Affairs during the recent NATO Summit in Chicago, the idea that today’s warfare state is more about assassinations of perceived enemies than traditional warfare is “good”—as long as the intelligence behind the drone strikes is accurate, of course.
That is a mere glimpse of the nightmarish world we’ll have if we allow NATO and Bilderberg, birds of a feather, to completely run the show. But theirs is a fragile tyranny if the people play their cards right.
Notice that the various prime ministers, finance ministers and bankers who attend Bilderberg or work within its confines, bellyache about their beloved eurozone teetering on the brink of failure. Hardly a day passes without some European official whining about this possibility, because people and their countries tire of the constant tinkering by global manipulators.
Yet, some of the moaning could be gauged to create a crisis that the world plotters can solve with even more integration along political and especially economic lines.
Above all, the U.S. media blackout about the yearly Bilderberg conferences continues to erode from the twin forces of high-tech citizen journalists and a dedicated alternative press.
No less a person than AFP’s celebrated editor emeritus and veteran Bilderberg hound Jim Tucker predicts the ultimate fall of Bilderberg and the failure of its goals due to the inherent flaws of internationalism and the natural tendency of people to prefer self-direction under democratic national systems with local voices being heard. This view was easy to find among protesters at Bilderberg 2012 near the main entrance of the Westfields Marriott Hotel, where the elite group was meeting.

One protester sees an even broader spectrum of global control that the people need to be aware of in order to break free.
“The Bilderberg credo” of total world direction, said Brian Pryor of Pittsburgh, Pa., “even extends to fashion and Madison Avenue advertising.” So many corporations cross-pollinate with far-reaching Bilderberg interests, he added, that they touch many aspects of our lives. “They dress us,” Pryor said. “They feed us.”
Based largely on the theories of Edward Bernays—an early, manipulative advertising pioneer and nephew of Sigmund Freud—modern advertising essentially prods people into unwittingly “choosing” pre-selected options that benefit “the system.”
That especially turns up in politics. Sensing this, Bilderberg 2012 protesters brought signs with pictures of President Obama and GOP presidential nominee-apparent Mitt Romney side-by-side that read “Who Will They Choose?” The “they,” here, refers to Bilderberg, which secretly makes such pre-selections to limit public choices to false options at the ballot box. This translates into: Whoever is “elected” brings more war and more debt.
Noted Bilderberg author-investigator Daniel Estulin agrees that Bilderberg’s far-reaching tentacles leave few things untouched. He recently said Bilderberg is about “the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity.”
As he sees it, Bilderberg “is a medium for bringing together financial institutions—the largest, predatory institutions in the world—which acts in ways that are now the worst enemy of society.” A key Bilderberg theme is the idea that the world’s resources do not belong to the people, but only to the “1%” minority who are monopolizing the planet’s resources.
“If people participate in the ideas shaping the world, if a nation is allowed to grow its own food, develop its own natural resources, be truly self-governing, it would end the Bilderbergers’ oligarchy,” said Estulin. Self-governance ultimately cancels global rule, he added, provided that a smart counter-Bilderberg movement is kept on track with unified backing.
The control of money creation by powerful private interests is the root that spawns the wars, the surveillance state and the rest of the problems that plague us. Thus, dislodging Bilderberg and canceling a world of their making means forging a new, humane system that starts with interest-free money under a sovereign public system, an active program to pursue reasonable food independence, and local control of water supplies.
Moreover, we need to strengthen independent media to overcome the old-guard dominant media—among other measures that can counter Bilderberg-related ideas and designs.
As the late economics essayist Louis Even noted, based on the book Economic Democracy by C.H. Douglas, money belongs to the people and should be created interest-free, thereby dethroning the private monetary superpower in possession of the people’s money and credit.
“If the pen of the usurped superpower can create or refuse financial credit [at compound interest] according to its will, the pen from a constitutional monetary power would be as effective to issue the financial credit [interest free] at the service of the population and to all members of society,” wrote Even. “There would no longer be solely financial problems. Getting into debt to foreign bankers for things we can produce in our own country would not exist.”
Mark Anderson is the roving editor for AFP. Listen to Mark’s radio show at republicbroadcasting.org, weekdays at 8 p.m. central. Email him at at [email protected].