By Victor Thorn
A series of photographs released by Andrew Breitbart from March 2007 shows then-Senator Barack Hussein Obama sharing the stage in Selma, Alabama, with members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP). Standing directly behind Obama at the podium is Malik Zulu Shabazz, NBPP chairman and a defendant in the infamous 2008 Philadelphia voter intimidation case that was eventually dropped the following year by Attorney General Eric Holder.
For those who do not know, the NBPP is a radical black activist group whose dream is the disenfranchisement and eventual elimination of whites in America. (Even the United States Commission on Civil Rights admits the NBPP is a racist group.)
In May 2007, at a Jamestown, Virginia appearance, Shabazz stated, “When the white man came here, you should have left him to die.”
Shabazz admitted that he met with Obama in 2007 at the Selma memorial, but his name also appears on 2009 White House visitor logs, along with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and racist preacher and Obama spiritual adviser Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Although Shabazz won’t acknowledge or deny whether he visited the Oval Office, administration officials bizarrely claimed that all three names were, according to an October 30, 2009 White House blog entry, “false-positives—names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else.”
Another individual identified in the photo with Obama at Selma is NBPP minister of war Najee Muhammed, who once stated that Georgia police officers should be murdered with AK-47s, while their widows should then be mocked at the funerals.
One street thug who didn’t stand with Obama in Selma but did join Shabazz at the Philadelphia polling station while brandishing a billy club was King Samir Shabazz, an NBPP enforcer. During a January 11, 2009 National Geographic special on the NBPP, King Shabazz bellowed, “You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers. You’re gonna have to kill some white babies.”
He continued, on camera, “We’ll kick white folks’ [expletive deleted]. We’ll take it right to the cracker. We’re going to keep putting our foot up the white man’s [expletive deleted].”
Gracing the cover of Philadelphia Weekly on December 17, 2003, Shabazz proclaimed: “Our open enemy is the white man. I won’t be completely happy until I see our people free and whitey dead.”
Malik Shabazz assumed control of the NBPP in 1997, citing Louis Farrakhan protégé Khalid Abdul Muhammad as his mentor and de facto father of the group.
On November 29, 1993, Muhammad showed his true colors during an address at New Jersey’s Kean College where he warned that if whites didn’t abandon South Africa, “When we get through killing them all, go to the goddamn graveyard and dig up the grave and kill them again because they didn’t die hard enough.”
This is the violently racist mentality that Obama has sidled up with. According to former U.S. Commissioner on Civil Rights Todd Gaziano, Julie Fernandes, an assistant to Holder, told subordinates prior to the Shabazz voter intimidation case, “Never bring a lawsuit against blacks.” Holder ultimately allowed three of the four guilty parties to walk free, testifying that any racist charges against blacks would demean “my people.”
Obama’s direct presence among these radical Black Panthers is troublesome proof of whom he and his colleagues view as their allies, and who is the enemy.
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.