Inside the Poison Papers

August 25, 2017 AFP Editor 0

“Poison Papers” is the sadly appropriate name for an online compilation of documents that reveal decades of government cover-ups on the use of toxic chemicals, collusion between the chemical industry and regulatory agencies, deceit, incompetence, fraud, and […]

NRA Gunning for ‘Fake News’ Flagship

August 25, 2017 AFP Editor 2

The most recent video ad from the National Rifle Association targets The New York Times—or as NRA national spokesperson Dana Loesch calls it, the “old gray hag”—with a hard-hitting denouncement, telling the paper it is not “in […]

Charlottesville: Gladio Meets Cointelpro?

August 23, 2017 AFP Editor 3

Thinking people who have watched any video of the violent clashes in the streets of Charlottesville, Va. surrounding the legally permitted Unite the Right rally and Antifa’s “counter-protest” are surely scratching their heads along with […]

Trump Wants Immigration Cut

August 17, 2017 AFP Editor 0

The recently introduced RAISE Act–Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy–would utilize a merit-based point system to increase the English language fluency and technical skills level of foreign citizens accepted into the U.S. while at the […]

Monsanto Caught Red-Handed

August 15, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Despite the mega-corporation’s desperate attempts to keep company secrets secret, internal emails written by top Monsanto executives that were gathered during the discovery phase of a lawsuit now underway have been unsealed. What did this treasure […]

Coconut Oil Unjustly Attacked

August 8, 2017 AFP Editor 1

The mainstream medical monopoly continues waging a war of lies on saturated fats, supported by the majority of corporate media parroting the establishment line as to what is and is not healthy for us. Apparently, […]
