Way Too Many Nukes

October 16, 2012 AFP 0

• Some progress made over last few decades, but Earth still in danger By Victor Thorn How many nuclear weapons are there in the hands of leaders around the world? The precise number is unknown. […]

Eric Holder’s Radical Past Uncovered

October 16, 2012 AFP 4

• Affiliation with violent Black Panthers while in college may explain AG’s anti-white bias By Pat Shannan Attorney General Eric Holder’s reluctance to prosecute criminal behavior on the part of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia […]

Analysts Worry About New Mideast War

October 16, 2012 AFP 0

• Tensions between Syria, Turkey threaten to suck Russia, West into military conflict By Richard Walker The growing military tension between Turkey and Syria has the real potential to drag United States-backed North Atlantic Treaty […]

Jimmy Carter Says Elections Corrupted

October 9, 2012 AFP 1

• Ex-president: United States has worst election process on planet By Pete Papaherakles Injecting billions of dollars into U.S. politics is a recipe for corruption, says former President Jimmy Carter. Placing the blame squarely on […]

A Megaphone for War Propaganda

October 9, 2012 AFP 0

• Former reporter reveals how mainstream news sways public opinion for global elite By Keith Johnson The already tarnished reputation of The New York Times suffered another blow recently when one of its former foreign […]

China on U.S. Buying Spree

October 9, 2012 AFP 1

• Chinese firms cashing in on America’s financial woes • Buying up ports, toll ways, real estate, energy companies By Victor Thorn On September 28, United States President Barack Hussein Obama, citing national security concerns, […]

Obama Mideast Policy Muddled, Confused

October 9, 2012 AFP 0

• President does an about-face; sends Special Forces back to Iraq to kill former Sunni allies By Richard Walker Just when it seemed the United States was done occupying Iraq, Barack Obama has ordered more […]

Fed Under Fire

October 2, 2012 AFP 0

Wall Street protesters set their sights on the Federal Reserve By Jeff Smith NEW YORK—The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement celebrated its first anniversary in late September with multiple major marches and rallies. They drew […]

Inside Fast and Furious

October 2, 2012 AFP 0

• Mexicans kept in dark about U.S. schemes By Victor Thorn On June 28, Melanie Wilcox of the Center for Media and Public Policy, an investigative journalism operation at The Heritage Foundation, provided this AMERICAN […]

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