• U.S. government would prefer China have political system CIA can easily influence.
• Hardline communists slowly move country toward classic national socialist model.
By Bill White —
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-backed “democracy” protests in the Chinese territory of Hong Kong erupted several weeks ago, as United States intelligence agencies manufactured resentment over the vetting of candidates to govern the city.
Calling themselves “Occupy Central” and using tactics the U.S. learned from observing its own Occupy Wall Street “problem,” tens of thousands of Chinese—a small part of Hong Kong’s millions of residents—with a noted foreign contingent of British and American agitators, faced off against Chinese riot police. Umbrellas were used to deflect liquid tear-gas sprays, causing the agitators to dub their movement the “Umbrella Revolution.”
The American government endorsed the protests, with Obama spokesman Josh Earnest saying, “We support the aspirations of the Hong Kong people.” But the object of the protest was to undermine Chinese socialism, which has increasingly moved toward a national model after the death of Mao Tse-tung and the purging of his wife and followers by Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s.
The Chinese government of today adheres to a model of promoting the growth and prosperity of its Han Chinese citizens and expanding living space for those over 1 billion people into occupied Central Asian territories like Xingjian and Tibet.
While its nominal communist ideology, its Marxist-Leninist orientation and its secret police and court tactics—all vestiges of its Bolshevik past—leave much to be desired, the demonstrators, many of them Marxist-Leninists and anarchists themselves, are not contesting these institutions.
Instead, the demonstrators demand the right directly to elect candidates selected in open nominations, whereas the Chinese government has established a nominating committee to determine whether candidates are qualified to seek public office. This system is much more honest than in the U.S., where numerous ballot access laws are similarly used to control nominations and the government-aligned media vets candidates, but elections are nominally “free.”
What the U.S and Britain want in China is an election process that will allow electoral organizations created by the CIA and its network of nongovernmental organizations to nominate candidates who, even if they don’t win elections, can serve as a focal point for future protests.
At this point, China seems determined to avoid a repeat of Tiananmen Square, a 1989 battle against a similar set of demonstrators organized by U.S. intelligence in Beijing. In Tiananmen Square, Chinese troops massacred demonstrators hoping to emulate East European protests that brought down communist governments in the Soviet bloc. While brutal, the crackdown set U.S. efforts to topple the Chinese government back 25 years.
Today, America has forged extensive trade ties to China, which is a major producer of U.S. retail goods. However, China’s government has resisted integration into the Anglo-American New World Order, building its military and retaining a central bank independence that challenges the Zionist-American banking establishment. The result has been America’s schizophrenic policy of building trade ties while undermining China’s political structures.
Chinese communism was organized by Bolshevik Jews sent from the Soviet Union shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution, but ran into problems after the Soviets initially backed Chiang Kai-Shek—who was also later backed by the U.S.—over Mao Tse-Tung. Mao developed a nationally-oriented form of communism, but launched a brutal war against traditional Chinese society, massacring millions and killing tens of millions more in misguided land reform.
While China’s sclerotic feudal and capitalist aristocracy had to go, Hitler’s revolution in Germany would have provided a better model than Bolshevism. After Mao’s death, a new generation of Chinese leaders moved toward a more national model of socialism, but have been unable to abandon all of the errors of Marxism.
Bill White is a freelance journalist and publisher based in Florida. He has also written articles for THE BARNES REVIEW (TBR) magazine. You can write him at: William A. White 201400005514 Seminole County Jail 211 Bush Blvd Sanford FL 32773.
Bill, less were killed in October 2, 1968, in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in the Tlatelolco section of Mexico City than in Tiananmen Square and they called it a massacre.
I lived in China for many years and I know the country and people quite well. So it makes me angry to see articles on the Internet stating that Mao Zedong was a mass murderer of his own people. This is all Cold War lies and propaganda. China went through periods in the 1950s and 60s of widespread famine and hunger in which possibly millions died. But this was just a continuation of what China had been experiencing for the previous 200 years or so and it’s unreasonable to expect a sudden reversal of this phenomenon simply because the government changed in 1949. After the Communists won the civil war, China was under an economic embargo by the West in the 50s and 60s and was under the constant threat of being attacked by the U.S., even with atomic weapons. As a result, they felt they had to put a lot of emphasis on industrialization and building their military, with agriculture taking a back seat. If Mao was such a mass murderer, why wasn’t Puyi, the “Last Emperor” (see the movie) sentenced to death for his treason instead of living out the rest of his life incognito as a gardener at Peking University? He truly was a traitor when he agreed to become emperor of Manchukuo, a Japanese controlled part of north-eastern China.
So, let them sit there until they get sore behinds!
“….. In Tiananmen Square, Chinese troops massacred demonstrators …..”
I should point out that there was NO massacre in Tiananmen Square in June 1989.
Please view:
The Telegraph: Wikileaks: No Bloodshed Inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim
Gregory Clark: The Tiananmen Square Massacre Myth
Robert Rodvik: The USA´s Decades Long War Against China (part 2); scroll down to look at the pictures
China Today: Please take a good look at these pictures
Global Research, Gregory Clark: Tiananmen Square Massacre is a myth – All we´re Remembering are British Lies
Global Research, Brian Becker: What Really Happened in Tiananmen Square 25 Years Ago
It´s time to get the record straight.