• Resettlement czars evidently oblivious to problems that alien refugees bring.
By Victor Thorn —
Over the past seven years, AMERICAN FREE PRESS has chronicled how the Obama administration continually favors blacks, homosexuals, criminals, foreign workers with H-1B visas, and illegal aliens over law-abiding white American citizens. In addition, the Obama White House has bent over backward to appease the Israeli government and military with unprecedented financial giveaways at the expense of American taxpayers.
This week, AFP is reporting on how Obama’s vehement push to greatly increase Muslim immigration and the number of refugees coming into the United States is adding to the social chaos, economic decline, and crime rates across the country.
According to a May 19 Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest hearing, entitled “Declining Deportations and Increasing Criminal Alien Releases—The Lawless Immigration Policies of the Obama Administration,” by the time Barack Hussein Obama leaves office in 2017, he will have issued green cards to over 1 million migrants from countries with majority Muslim populations. Many of these individuals are low-skilled and unable to speak the English language, which means they will need considerable help and financial assistance from cash-strapped communities. What makes this situation even more perilous is that Obama’s Department of Homeland Security refuses to tell governors and law enforcement officials where many of these refugees are being relocated. On June 13, Florida Governor Rick Scott complained that Obama was placing the privacy rights of immigrants over the security of his citizens. As a means of protection, around 30 governors have moved to bar refugees from being resettled in their states.
These leaders have every right to be alarmed, as the residents of Twin Falls, Idaho learned. On June 2, three boys, ages 7, 10, and 14, from Sudan and Iraq were caught sexually assaulting a five-year-old girl. While committing this heinous act, one of the perpetrators filmed the act with his cell phone.
To date, the State Department under Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, has secretly relocated nearly 500 refugees into the tranquil community of Twin Falls. Native Vicky Davis let her frustrations be known during a June 21 interview: “The Obama administration is bringing them [migrants] in as fast as they possibly can.”
Although verifiable statistics aren’t currently available in regard to refugee violence in the U.S., Europe is keeping track. On February 17, writer Alan Hall of the UK’s Daily Express revealed that Muslim migrants into Germany committed 200,000 crimes in 2015, up 92,000 from the previous year. At a time when most of the U.S. is benefitting
from historically low homicide and crime rates, this should be a concern for all Americans.
In this country, municipalities such as Lawrenceville, Georgia aren’t immune to such violence. On June 1, a woman named Amina Ali Ahra, garbed in a burqa, attacked a family in their own yard with a four-foot PVC pipe that was attached to an American flag. Although restrained before any serious injuries could be inflicted, Federal Bureau of Investigation officials refused to rule her act a hate crime.
Similarly, Amarillo, Texas touts one of the highest rape-per-capita rates in America. Locals swear that they never suffered from this problem until large numbers of Muslim refugees were resettled there by Obama’s cronies.
It has been widely reported that sex crimes have increased throughout Europe largely due to tens of thousands of young males emigrating there from North Africa and the Middle East, where women are treated as second-class citizens and in many cases even as property.
For instance, Sweden’s rape epidemic has risen by 500% over the past decade, with nearly every violator being a foreign male. Rotherham, England and Cologne, Germany have also experienced mass rapes and the sexual exploitation of children as a consequence of immigration from North Africa and Asia.
Perhaps most concerning of all, on June 15, legal watchdog group Judicial Watch (JW) exposed a plot in which a Middle Eastern woman was detained in Luna County, New Mexico. In her possession were plans to that area’s gas pipelines. On another date, five Middle Eastern men were captured by border patrol agents in Amado, Arizona. Two of these undocumented aliens carried stainless steel cylinders in their backpacks.
JW stated: “Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks . . .”
Despite these horror stories, Obama’s resettlement czars keep dumping more migrants into peaceful communities like Missoula, Montana, Ithaca, New York, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Charleston, West Virginia, Reno, Nevada, and Rutland, Vermont.
It’s only a matter of time until another ticking time bomb explodes.
Cultural Subversion
By Victor Thorn
One single statistic could change the entire debate on Barack Hussein Obama’s crusade to bring more Muslim refugees into America. Namely, on June 11, 2015 the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement disclosed that from the years 2008-2013, 91.4% of Middle Eastern migrants collected food stamps, while 68.3% received cash welfare payments. To be clear, these figures cannot be dismissed as “crazy conspiracy theory” or deriving from so-called white-hate groups. Instead, they originated directly from the U.S. government.
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In this context, when Obama stands before the American public and lectures them about a lack of tolerance, why doesn’t he cite the above report and provide a completely transparent picture to U.S. citizens who struggle from paycheck to paycheck? Knowing that he’d be ridiculed far and wide, Obama’s inner circle keeps a wrap on this disturbing trend.
Moreover, there’s the topic of crime and sharia law. On June 23, 2015, the Center for Security Policy (CSP), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, highlighted the results of a June 1-10, 2015 nationwide online survey of 600 Muslims living in the U.S.
“More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled believe either that they should have the choice of American or sharia courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply sharia,” reported CSP. “Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.”
This arrogant refusal to assimilate became so disruptive that Beth Van Duyne, the mayor of Irving, Texas, put an end to sharia courts in her city. Van Duyne and local legislators were successful in this endeavor after they backed a state bill which prohibited the implementation of “foreign law” in Texas.
Other locales in the Lone Star State are also up in arms about a massive influx of Muslims.
During a February 1 rally in front of the Missoula, Montana County Courthouse protesting Obama administration plans to relocate so-called foreign refugees across cities in western Montana, Karen Sherman spoke to more than 120 people, who stood in the snow and ice.
Ms. Sherman recently moved to Montana from Amarillo, Texas.
“Amarillo is overrun with refugees,” said Ms. Sherman. “Our city is failing because of the refugees. We have 22 different languages spoken in our schools. We’ve got 42 languages being fielded by our 9-1-1 call centers, and crime is through the roof.”
These cultural disruptions are quite visible in Hamtramck, Michigan, also known as Muslimville, USA. This city of 22,000 has become not only the first Muslim-majority enclave in America; it also touts a Muslim-dominated city council. Currently, mosques are permitted to use loudspeakers at 6:00 a.m. to broadcast calls for Muslim prayer meetings, whereas businesses located near mosques have been denied liquor licenses.
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.