• Israeli plan for Mideast empire aided by IS.
By Ronald L. Ray —
Divide and conquer is an age-old strategy for empire-builders. Drive your opponents to fight among themselves, then pillage and subjugate them. Josef Stalin successfully employed this method in World War II, with the fawning complicity of Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. Now the Zionists—and their American lackeys—are doing the same to establish Israeli hegemony throughout the Middle East and North Africa. And it was long planned. But is the intention merely for “Greater Israel”—“from the Nile to the Euphrates,” as Theodor Herzl proclaimed—or is this the first step toward a world empire we should call “Greater Khazaria”?
In 1982, the World Zionist Organization’s Department of Information, their propaganda arm, published “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties,” by Oded Yinon. This “Yinon Plan” has been followed for decades by Israel in order to establish “Greater Israel.”
Recently, the German-language website “National Journal” illustrated the surprising, key role the Islamic State (IS), also known as ISIS, plays in the success of this Zionist quest for regional domination—although ostensibly Israel’s enemy.
The Yinon Plan stated that Iraq was then the greatest obstacle to an Israeli Middle Eastern empire and control of the area’s wealth of natural resources. The first stage was to weaken both Iran—an Israeli ally under the shah—and Iraq through war against each other. After this, the American invasion in 2003 was to lead to the division of Iraq into three smaller, ethno-religious states operated by Sunni and Shiite Muslims in the middle and south, and a new Kurdistan in the north.
ISIS is the means by which Israel and the United States—which established, trained and supplied the terrorist organization—have nearly succeeded in the tripartition.
It is no accident that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the Kurds “deserve” their own country for being “brave fighters” against ISIS. Ironically, he denies the same courtesy to the brave Palestinians resisting Israeli occupation.
But do not expect Israel to help destroy ISIS.
“When your enemies are fighting each other, don’t strengthen either one of them; weaken both,” said Netanyahu on NBC’s Meet the Press on June 22.
Nevertheless, the Balkanization of the Middle East is not just a Jewish strategy, as the U.S., Great Britain and the European Union (EU) are key players. American neoconservatives led by Richard Perle developed an amplification of the Yinon Plan in 1996 named A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm and The Atlantic and Armed Forces Journal published maps in 2006 and 2008, which demonstrate that U.S. military strategy is also founded on the same sinister intentions.
As this newspaper has reported, Israel and its U.S. and EU puppets have waged constant war for years against all the countries named by Yinon, and more: Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Syria.
According to the plan, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and nations from Nigeria to Pakistan will fall under the Zionist sword. By fomenting racial, ethnic and religious strife, the Zionist hegemons intend to create a patchwork of smaller, ethnically and religiously homogenous states and enclaves too weak and factionalized to resist Israel, the new dominating force in the region. African Negroes will be separated from Arabs and Berbers, as will the various Muslim sects from each other and from the Christians and pagan religions. And while wars rage elsewhere, Israel will “quietly” eradicate the “Palestinian problem.”
While this may seem contrary to the single government desired by the New World Order, it will actually further that cause by preventing any large opponent to the Judaeo-Freemasonic overlords from arising.
The complete destruction of Christianity is likewise a cornerstone of this U.S.-Israeli strategy. As we see happening under IS, the most ancient Christian communities are being eradicated through savage murder and expulsion. Then French President Nicolas Sarkozy cynically told the Maronite Catholic patriarch from Lebanon in 2011 that “Syria will fall,” and the Christians can come live in the EU—hardly a consolation. No help will come from the West for the Catholics and Orthodox now being martyred to satisfy corrupt American and Israeli interests. When the Christians are gone, expect that the Muslims will be eliminated, too, leaving a “racially pure” Middle East and North Africa for the Khazarian Jews who run Israel.
But is that all? Zionist greed knows no limits, and the Israel-friendly Caucasus states and present conflict in Jewish-controlled Ukraine—the former heart of the Khazarian Empire—seem intended to extend the Zionist hegemony even further. Recent Israeli emigrations to Berlin and Weimar, Germany, suggest designs on that country, too. Poland had better watch its back.
Will the nations of the world face reality and put down the diabolical Zionist threat, or will we see Greater Khazaria arise from the Nile to the Rhein?
Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of THE BARNES REVIEW. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.
Mr. Zion well you’re about half right
it may be the difference between one who is a jew, and one who is jew”ISH” (ish- like/but not)
an honest jew:
Roger Dommergue – Interview – completa
14 million jews, 330 million semites.
you are right about the play on words, but the ones you have listed are backward.
-crat: “a combining form meaning “ruler,” “member of a ruling body,” “advocate of a particular form of rule,” used in the formation of compound words: autocrat; technocrat.”
-demo: demolish. or possibly missing a letter: demon
democrats cloak themselves in glorious idealistic and righteous speeches, while simultaneously acting in the exact opposite manner. and they are communists.
• Democrats fought the Civil War to maintain slavery.
• Republican Party formed to abolish slavery.
• Republican Party and Abraham Lincoln authored the emancipation Proclamation.
• Democrats enacted Jim Crow Laws.
• Democrats helped to form, and have a long history with the KKK.
• All civil rights laws were overwhelmingly supported by Republicans compared to Democrats.
• In 1964 the DNC approached LBJ and his initial response was opposed and filled with the “N” word.
• LBJ eventually admitted that by initiating the “War on Poverty” that it would in essence get and keep the poor voting the Democratic Ticket for 200 years. Buying votes is the liberal way.
• Cecil Price was a proud Democrat, and you are so ignorant you have no clue who he was.
• What was the racial make-up of the three innocent victims of the infamous “Civil Rights Murders”?
• What did they do that caused racist monsters to murder them?
• Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the “Little Rock Nine” Executive Order, against the actions of liberal Democrat Communist Party Orval Faubus
• Why is it that Democrats have been the only leaders in cities like Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago for decades and the murder rates are getting higher and higher and higher with no hope for relief for the good poor folks stuck in the urban areas? When Rudy Giuliana was mayor of NYC the murder rate plummeted?
• The Obama administration has more than tripled unemployment among young black men in seven years.
“Black Lives [of criminals shot by police] Matter” (but not the 685,000 black babies murdered every year, or the 72% black children raised by single parents, which both exist thanks to demoncrat-communist-feminist policy)
insane: it’s what happens when you are raped with a knife, tortured and mutilated as a baby.
“NO MORE Jews = NO MORE problems” – almost. no more DOCTORS = no more problems.
doctor: to falsify. etymology – church father. doctor of the church. doctor = priest. and their church is the cult of hermes – god of trickery, thieves, financial gain.
“Snatched on their way to school then castrated or decapitated: Horrifying rise in child human sacrifice in Uganda at the hands of witch *doctors*”.
witch> witch doctor> hyena> rabbi> mullah> mohel> priest> doctor> different words for the same thing – sadistic pedophiles and mercenaries.
“Malawi: HIV-infected man known as a ‘hyena’ paid £3 to take virginity of girls as young as 12”
moHELL romi cohn admits to giving fellatio to 25,000 bleeding babies.
“In 2004, the John Jay report tabulated a total of 4,392 priests and deacons in the U.S. against whom allegations of sexual abuse had been made.”
“Horrifying: Teen Intern at # Gosnell Murder Factory Recalls Hearing Aborted Fetus ‘Screeching’” (as he cut their spinal cord)
“The reality of pain memory (and birth memory) is confirmed by a mother whose premature baby was shunted for hydrocephalus without painkillers and while paralyzed with curare. Large incisions were cut in his scalp, neck, and abdomen and a hole drilled in his skull. She writes that ten years after the operation her son will still not allow anyone to touch his head, neck, and abdomen in the areas touched during surgery. The mere sight of the hospital provokes in this child violent trembling, profuse sweating, screaming, struggling, and vomiting.”
“Kate Schnell- Yikes. Well its over & it was horrible (even from the other room with my fingers in my ears).
Brittany Allen- I stood outside the building. And could still hear him cry.”
“It was the most horrific sight I have ever seen and it still haunts me to this day. I can tell you that circumci$ion was EXTREMELY painful for my newborn baby boy. He had the painkiller and the nerve block but still he cried so hard that he turned purple in the face.” – R.J. Bly
“He turned blue, started breathing frantically, and cried incessantly. Finally, doctors discovered that the crying had caused the baby’s right lung to burst. A drainage tube was inserted and the baby was hospitalized for nineteen days.”
Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumci$ed to be saved [from sin, illness, or whatever]. Philippians 3.2
someone who lies so much they had a word named after them: doctor. $atan the deceiver. jews are victims too
Be sure to note the paragraph on child sacrifice by fire:
Killing the Canaanites: A Response to the New Atheism’s “Divine Genocide” Claims
Paul James, that virus is called ‘doctor’ [aka priest, aka mullah, aka mohel, aka witch doctor]. Philippians 3:2
Mike K., Christmas = Saturnalia + solstice. “Christmas tree” = 1536 German invention + pagan child sacrifice:
IS CHRISTMAS PAGAN? In a word…yes.
P.S., Santa = mushroom-eating Siberian tribes.
Such a load of crap, racist, anti-Semite, blah, blah, I have hardly seen before.
You are all to be commended for conspiracy theories. Well done. I hope one day you will wake up into the real world and become thinking persons again. I doubt it however.
Completely agree with you about this grotesque and smelly entity—unfortunately, your mother’s v****a is going to be very, very hard to fully contain! 🙂
The Greek name of Synagogue is a cover up for the real Hebrew/Yiddish name of the synagogue as MINHA or MINGE, the female stargate symbol of our Black Hole located in the Mesopotamia of our Milky Way galaxy. To the Minge usually goes the Khazarian “Jewish” male pricks who admire everything of female, including their descendancy, and reject any male Gods, denying the male god, Christ, and even the name G-d, write with hyphen those antichrist followers. Furthermore, even from the Greek name synagogue, Sin is the lunar god and house, as is the Sinai peninsula in a female lap shape from where the Hebrews appeared as claimed by the Khazarian “Jews” also. The Chinese Xian has the same lunar meaning!
Furthermore, in hot areas are lunar (cold) religions, Judaism and Islam. In cold climate zones is the solar (warm) religions, predominantly Christianity of three main denominations.
At the end of the Simpsons, God (the Father) gives Jesus a gift and says “Merry Christmas” and Jesus says “don’t you mean happy birthday.”
Family Guy had 2 – Quagmire, in the context of throwing a birthday party for Jesus, says something like, ‘since it’s also Christmas, we should have a Christmas theme.’
Anyway, I like both shows, and maybe that’s sort of an easy joke, but I thought it odd both made it this year… there was some other quip on Family Guy I can’t recall.
I’d love to see an article on the Chabad hate group national menorah, btw. Be nice if “separation of church and state” applied to the Jews, eh? Try putting up a nativity scene by itself….
I actually have no problem with the menorah, just don’t like the double standard, and Chabad seems to clearly be a Jewish Supremacist group not ever decried as a “hate” group, basically because they are Jews.
Please visit Google-Bloody Masonic Fingerprints Left On 9/11 Crime Scene, and you’ll see all you need to know as a mason on low level.
Peter Strahl, you catch up with the knowledge! The Roman-Catholic Church is also a masonic lodge with rabbinical popes on Peter’s stool. Now, it is an Argentinian, LAST rabbi-pope, Bergoglio who took name after Francesco from Assisi, whose real name was Giovanni di Pietro Bernardone-hence di Pitro = Peter’s Follower, as Petrus Romanus. RKC (Roman-Catholic Church) also dominate cabalistic numbers and astronomically aligned monuments! In their (RKC) rituals, astronomical-cabalistic numbers are always used! In fact, every religion is a perverted astronomy with usage of the same NUMBERS (the KEY to Talmud and Kabbala and so called religious “secrets”). The masons knew it and split the powers with the religious lodges-masons! The religions control and exploit the masses in the spiritual way and the masonic lodges in a political-economical way! The world needs to destroy them all-religious lodges, as well as the political-economic ones!
Mr. Baumgartner, thank you for your question. I am not surprised that you are unfamiliar with the connection of Freemasonry to the Jews. Very often, in Grand Lodge Masonry at least, the majority of members are ignorant of the Craft’s origins and true teachings, which are revealed sometimes only to the highest-level Masons.
However, it is a documented fact that the Jews enlisted certain “Christian” men to found Freemasonry. Many of the ceremonies and much of the symbolism is derived directly from the Jews’ satanic Kabbalah. Just as for the Kabbalists, the “one god” of the Freemasons is actually Satan, whom they still call Lucifer, although this is not normally revealed until the 33rd Degree (in the Scottish Rite). The “light” of Freemasonry is actually this false, satanic “light”. (“Lucifer” means “light-beare.r”)
The Jews founded Freemasonry through proxies, in order to destroy Christianity, specifically the Catholic Church, which those Jews recognize as the only Church founded by Jesus Christ, even if that truth has been obscured for most Christians.
This common origin is why there is so much overlap between Zionist political and cultural goals and those of the Freemasons. Historically, Jews and Freemasons have worked hand-in-hand, gaining control of banking, business, and politics. It was the combined effort of Jews and Freemasons which brought about our War Between the States and the First and Second World Wars, among many others. Jews (although not all) have been, along with Masons, responsible for the rise of both Communism and Zionism, which are two sides of the Jewish quest for world empire.
This only scratches the surface of the reality. If you can find the works of Fr. Luigi Villa in English, they may be helpful for you. He worked for 60 years exposing Freemasonry in the ranks of the Catholic clergy, and his books are completely reliable. There are many others who have exposed the truth, as well, both recently and a century or more ago.
Many of my relatives have been Freemasons, and I respect the goodwill which most Masons have. But it is important to realize that, even at the lowest levels, the teachings and practices of the Lodge draw one ever further from Jesus Christ and more and more into the clutches of Satan. I encourage you to give up your association with the Lodge, even if only informally. Formally demitting can sometimes put a person at risk of dangerous retaliation by former “brethren.”
Also, as a Catholic, I cannot tell you that one religion is as good as another. I encourage you to learn about the Catholic Church, as the only sure way to Jesus Christ. You could contact the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for reliable information about the traditional Catholic Faith–before its presentation was watered down by clerical Freemasons over 50 years ago. And stay away from the Knights of Columbus. They have been heavily infiltrated by Masons for 60 years or more. May the True God bless you!
I am a Mason but have never heard of a Masonic-Zionist connection. Please explain.
Millions of Christians long for more and more wickedness and more and greater wars for to them it has yet to reach a terrible final unimaginable climax to where Christ will return. The last go around was just not all that bad.
They cannot see His kingdom nor have they entered it. That is because they have never truly been born again.
That too is a scriptural based principle.
The terrible things they are looking for were to happen in the first century and were tied to the nation of Israel not the whole world. An age was coming to an end then. This physical world is never to end, but try to convince them of that.
As I examine the things that are being set in place, I see no answers. As for the Evil works that SATAN and his Governments are setting in place, the Land that Israel will Occupy very soon, will be Southern Lebanon, and the son of the Anti-Christ will be seated in TYRE. If a Person has not the KNOWLEDGE of the LIVING GOD He will be overcome by the LIES and EVIL Works of the Son of the Antichrist and will Perish. Don’t Take His works or the Evil works of the FALSE PROPHET and SATAN when He comes up out of the EARTH. 666 The Evil WORKS of SATAN and HIS WORKERS.
All so-called biblical “Israel story” is astronomy dressed into believable human stories-which never happened in human life nor ever lived a such human beings. Bible is a tool to fool and destroy the Khazarian opponents. Number 13 means REBELLION and APOSTASY (Number in Scripture-E.W.Bullinger), and that’s exactly what these Talmudic Judases are spreading, including DEATH (Talmud means DEATH and Malachim Talmud means messengers of Death)! The so-called Great Seal of the masonic (Jewish) USA is full of number 13! So is the EU Gulag of Captive Nations, and the khaganate Yisrael with Gaza-Auschwitz.
Isis Bombshell Exposed
Here’s the concrete proof.
Spread the truth far and wide. Let’s bring these war mongering genocidal maniacs to justice!
In the end we are in the last stages of this dispensation. Almighty God will only let it go on for so long. What we see is the end of civilization as we know it. Sadly, most people have had so much taken from them that they are too tired to think it through. They have long lost the will to consider the simple truth, so they yield to the great lie. There are Satanic Forces behind this Lie, and they have to be Satanic in order to span centuries. What we are seeing today is nothing more than the unveiling of (TRUTH) as spoken in the Book of Revelation. I advise every one to consider Jesus Christ and be sure.
Another zionist-masonic claim has been on the Manhattan island-local Mesopotamia, separated by the East and Hudson rivers, especially in the WTC complex of 7 buildings located in the Battery Park so badly BATTERED by the zionist Blue Lodge on 9/11(2001). The Heavenly Mesopotamia is so well described in the cleaver disguise in Genesis 2:10-14, where Pishon and Gihon (vagina and mouth rivers) encompass Havilah = Eden of Milky way-where all the GOLD IS. So,the zionist masons placed gold story to every local copy of Mesopotamia-Golden Calf on Sinai peninsula in a shape of female lap with vagina “mountains” of Sinai/Horeb, luni-solar; and gold “reserves” in WTC, but also on Liberty Street 33 (masonic) Federal Reserve Bank vaults. Hence,their phony claim on Eretz Yisrael from Nile to Euphrates must be destroyed as they want to destroy the Islamic State (ISIS).
There’s a malignant virus that has been stalking and destroying humanity for centuries, a parasitic organism that is much more deadly than Ebola, and it needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth before this vileness consumes the human race.