1 Comment on Former Jan. 6 Prisoner Speaks About Prison, Future Plans

  1. This is great and maybe now the new boss in DC could do something to free other political prisoners in one of the US colonies in Europe: Germany.

    Germany which has become the New DDR under the yoke of Brussels and its current unique party coalition system:

    This is a request to share and inform about the ordeal of international lawyer, Dr Reiner Fuellmich (at the bar of California and Germany), now a political prisoner in Germany, jailed since October 2023 in Rosdorf and on an interminable trial for ‘financial misdemeanor”, which he didn’t even commit.

    It is a kangaroo, court or Stalin style mock trial inflicted upon him by those he exposed and fought during his career, notably with his work to expose the Covid crimes since 2020 (grand-jury.net).

    They have had him shackled hand and feet as if he was a dangerous terrorist, they have had him is solitary confinement for months because he dared talking with other inmates, they have had him tortured psychologically and physically and because he didn’t break enough for them, they have recently organized an attempt stabbing on him by a foreign convict.

    The corrupt mainstream media and most alternative media have chosen to ignore Reiner’s scandalous internment and ‘trial’ , to silence any mention about him, while the same media ran kilometers of stories about Julian Assange.

    Here are some independent websites which explain the case and where more information can be found:

    https://pinchofsoot.nl (in Dutch and English)

    The goal is to inform people about what is going on in a country pretending to be a ‘democracy’ that jails his own citizens for political reasons and help free Reiner.

    Thank you for your help and for sharing.

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