• Increasing numbers of vibrant, Old World nationalist groups continue independence struggle
By Ronald L. Ray
Since the worldwide financial crisis of 2008, caused by avaricious investment and banking houses, longstanding ethnic tensions in several European countries have been exacerbated by the ongoing financial problems. As a result, separatist movements from the Balkans to the British Isles have been gaining ground among the people,much to the chagrin of the Bilderbergers and other one-world-government types. Apparently, historical heritage and culture cannot be completely bulldozed by the bureaucrats. Interestingly, while the methods for seeking independence vary, nearly all of the separatist regions enjoy a greater degree of prosperity than the ruling countries—a key aspect of the conflicts.
For instance, the small island of Corsica in the Mediterranean, birthplace of Napoleon, has been ruled by France for more than two centuries. The popular tourist destination received a limited amount of autonomy in 1982, and in a 2003 referendum, just 50.98% of Corsicans voted against greater self-rule. For 50 years, however, the urge for independence has been growing. In the 2010 regional elections, nationalists made their best showing ever, with autonomists and separatists combined achieving nearly 35% of the vote.
Until now, the French government seems to have followed a policy of appeasement, but it is not enough for some. The National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC) has engaged in terrorist activity for over 30 years, including tragic attacks on the French mainland and bombings of island vacation and summer homes.
In Belgium, artificially created in the 19th century out of parts of the Netherlands and France, the majority of Dutch-speaking Flemings are increasingly dissatisfied with having to subsidize the poorer, French-speaking Walloons. This is nothing new, as troubles have been ongoing for half of the country’s history.
But after more than 18 months without a federal government, Flemish nationalists achieved a stunning victory in October 2012. Currently, according to a recent poll, more support a confederation than separatism but the recently-abdicated King Albert may have stirred additional dissension by publicly chastising “populists” last December, comparing nationalists as reminiscent of 1930s fascists. Pundits predict that the 2014 elections could be decisive for the future.
Spain possesses the distinction of not just one but two independence-minded minority groups: the Catalonians and the Basques. Catalonia, which enjoyed a great degree of autonomy under the Habsburgs, was forcibly annexed by King Philip V of Spain in 1714. But the people retain their own language and culture and are markedly more prosperous than the majority of Spain.
As elsewhere, the disproportionate taxation of the region by Spain’s national government is a significant sore point. This year, hundreds of thousands of Catalonians formed a “via catalana,” a human chain some 250 miles long, to protest for freedom on their national day in September. In 2012, 1.5 million of the 7.5 million inhabitants demonstrated for independence. So far, though, the socialist government in Madrid has been unresponsive.
Meanwhile, in the Spanish Basque region the ETA terrorist organization gave up its weapons after 50 years, in 2011. Since then, peaceful efforts by the people,who also have a unique language and culture—and claim to be survivors of Atlantis—continue on the political front. But by contrast, primary emphasis is given to overcoming Spain’s financial crisis first. The French Basques have yet to achieve even their own, united political region.
More remotely, the semi-autonomous island of Greenland seeks independence from Denmark, but development of its rich ore mining and crude oil potential is necessary first to eliminate the need for Danish subsidies. China has become a key trading partner in this regard.
South Tyrolia, forcibly incorporated into Italy after World War I, is perhaps the leading light of separatism. The people still consider themselves to be Austrian, retaining the German language, customs and drive, despite decades of efforts by the Italians to wipe out that culture. Just as people in the regions mentioned above, Tyrolians resent increasing taxation by Rome, which serves only to subsidize the less industrious Italians. While a modus vivendi, or temporary agreement, continues to exist, most of the people possess a strong desire for reunification with North Tyrolia, a focus that exerts major influence on the political climate.
Finally, there is Scotland. Here again, the enterprising Scots seek freedom from economic exploitation by the Anglo-Normans to the south. While the plurality still favor the United Kingdom, a growing number seeks complete independence from the rest of Great Britain. The Scottish National Party obtained an absolute majority in the restored Scottish Parliament two years ago, and a national referendum on independence is to be held on September 18, 2014.
It is uncertain whether the British monarch would continue to reign over a free Scotland, but republicans seem presently to have the upper hand.
One note of concern, however, is that of voices who would seek entry into the European Union after independence. In fact, this may be the new tack by the New World Order to ensure that even the newly independent remain under international bankster hegemony.
Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author residing in the free state of Kansas. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.