- Longtime free speech activist and populist political organizer Paul Fromm running for mayor
Paul Fromm, the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression who also serves as this newspaper’s chief Canadian correspondent, has announced his candidacy for mayor of Hamilton, a city just southwest of Toronto on Lake Ontario, in the upcoming October 24 municipal election, AFP can report.
Fromm, a former educator and a champion of Canadians’ rights to free speech and historical and intellectual inquiry, filed paperwork with the City Clerk’s office earlier this month, throwing his name in the ring with at least eight other certified candidates.
“I am running for mayor for several reasons,” Fromm, a longtime Hamilton resident and prominent Canadian activist, noted when announcing his candidacy. “Hamilton City Council has become arrogant, secretive, and out-of-touch.”
Echoing complaints and criticisms local residents express routinely across both Canada and the United States, Fromm explained that local leaders in Hamilton far too often refuse “to hear citizen input during the section of meetings set aside for delegations.”
“A representative – councillor or mayor – should listen to concerned citizens,” Fromm stated. “As mayor, I will hold regular town halls to get taxpayers’ opinion.”
Fromm is focusing his campaign primarily on issues pertaining to medical and health freedom. The so-called Covid pandemic, a purported global health emergency that national and local governments around the world used to justify dramatic and unprecedented mandates, lockdowns, and other tyrannical dictates in a seemingly well-coordinated fashion, impacted Canada – and Hamilton in particular – greatly, a main concern for Fromm.
Local businesses and schools were shut down and economic activity was ground to a halt in the name of “slowing the spread” and combating the alleged pandemic, resulting in widespread business failure, supply chain disruption, worker dislocation, and other economic and social calamities still playing out today.
Fromm insists on attempting “to help repair some of the harm done during Covid” and has vowed to “compensate all the workers put on unpaid leave for the months of lost wages.”
A prominent supporter of the Canadian truckers’ convoy that generated so much media and political attention earlier this year, Fromm has publicly supported the protest movement, participating in events in Hamilton and other cities in Canada. He is a staunch critic of the illegal and sinister Covid agenda that was launched in response to the purported pandemic, an agenda zealously pursued by the central Canadian government and the Trudeau administration.
“Individual freedom, for me, is a lifelong commitment,” Fromm said when announcing his mayoral candidacy. “Since April of 2020, I have attended ‘End the Lockdowns’ and ‘End the Mandates’ freedom rallies in 15 cities in Ontario and British Columbia. I was a proud supporter of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and, on a frigid Thursday, January 29, joined thousands of other Hamiltonians, to cheer the convoy on its way to Ottawa.”
He has also declared himself the “motorist’s friend,” a mayoral candidate that wants to “pursue a policy of moving traffic as quickly as possible,” as traffic congestion and infrastructure challenges continue to be a major problem in the greater Toronto area.
“Fix the potholes that make some of our roads a menace,” Fromm demands. “Do repairs in an expeditious manner.”
Fromm explained that traffic congestion is “a costly as well as nerve wracking problem” for the greater Toronto area, pointing to two key issues exacerbating the issue: increased immigration resulting in a population boom and “politicians, at all levels, who have failed to build the infrastructure – roads, expressways, hospitals, and housing – to accommodate the influx.”
“The City of Hamilton must speak truth to power,” Fromm declared, “and insist that immigration be tied to massive expenditures to accommodate the newcomers.”
In an era where the line between the globalists and nationalists is being clearly drawn, a longtime and dedicated populist activist like Paul Fromm running for mayor in a major Canadian city is an encouraging sign.