West Beset by Moral Contradictions

January 20, 2015 AFP 2

• Freedom of speech never guarantees there won’t be some repercussions • Why can Prophet Muhammad be defamed but Holocaust remains taboo? By Patrick J. Buchanan — Western media are declaring the million-man march in […]

America Sides With the Cops

January 20, 2015 AFP 1

• Democrats may have taken a serious blow for supporting rioters, thugs. By Patrick J. Buchanan — For the third time, the cops of the New York Police Department (NYPD) have turned their backs on […]

Massive Gold Heists in Ukraine

January 12, 2015 AFP 5

By Richard Walker — Who controls Ukraine’s gold reserves, worth about $1.5 billion, remains one of the great mysteries of 2014. And if that is not bad enough for Ukrainians, evidence has emerged that the […]

Muzzling Critics of Israel

January 5, 2015 AFP 8

By Tarrah Baptista — Just before the tragic death of Jim Traficant in the fall of 2014, the House unanimously passed dangerous legislation that  seeks to stifle free speech and thought. Sold as only targeting […]

‘Putinism’ Is Nationalism

January 5, 2015 AFP 3

• China, Japan, Korea, India, Hungary, Turkey & more looking to shake off shackles of New World Order. By Patrick J. Buchanan — “Abe tightens grip on power as Japanese shun election.” So ran the […]

Argentina Snubs Bankers; Stabilizes Own Currency

December 21, 2014 AFP 2

By Bill White — Argentina may come out victorious in a battle with international moneylenders, as its central bank has stopped bleeding foreign currency reserves. Moreover, black-market prices for Argentine pesos have moved dramatically toward […]

A Russophobic Rant from Congress

December 10, 2014 AFP 1

By Patrick J. Buchanan — Hopefully, Russians realize that our House of Representatives often passes thunderous resolutions to pander to special interests, which have no bearing on the thinking or actions of the U.S. government. […]

Aliens Decide Elections

December 7, 2014 AFP 2

• Shocking new study proves millions of ‘non-citizens’ vote in U.S. elections. By Keith Johnson — Will President Barack Obama’s decision to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens have a major impact on future […]

Rogue President

November 20, 2014 AFP 1

By Patrick J. Buchanan — Asserting a legal and constitutional authority he himself said he did not have, President Obama is going rogue, issuing an executive amnesty to 4 to 5 million illegal aliens. He […]

Against Obama, But for What?

November 4, 2014 AFP 6

By Patrick J. Buchanan — After billions in attack ads that turned the approval ratings of almost every candidate, in both parties, upside down, Republicans appear primed to take control of Congress. Why are Democrats […]

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