Hypocrite McCain Has No Right to Criticize Trump

July 21, 2015 AFP 5

The following excerpt is from veteran John “Top” Holland’s book, PERFIDY: The Government Cabal That Knowingly Abandoned Our Prisoners of War and Left Them to Die, published by AMERICAN FREE PRESS to document the history […]

People Suspicious About ‘Jade’

July 20, 2015 AFP 5

By John Friend — Shuttered Walmarts. Martial law. Gun confiscation. Rounding up dissidents. FEMA camps. Total tyranny. These are some of the concerns and allegations being made about Operation Jade Helm 15, one of the […]


July 13, 2015 AFP 3

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Although June was undoubtedly not a good month for Americans proud of the heritage, culture and traditions ensconced in this country, founded and made successful by white northern Europeans over four centuries […]

Syria: Next U.S. War

June 9, 2015 AFP 0

• Attack on Assad may mean end of peace with Iran. By Patrick J. Buchanan — Jeb Bush has spent the month of May debating with himself over whether he would have started the war […]

Bilderberg Bared

June 9, 2015 AFP 1

• AFP on the scene in Austria to cover annual globalist confab. By Mark Anderson — Bilderberg’s 63rd confab in 61 years has begun in Telfs, Austria, at the picturesque Interalpen Hotel near Innsbruck. One […]

Uncle Sam’s Personal “Terror Factory”

May 26, 2015 AFP 0

• New book documents how FBI built vast informant network to infiltrate Muslim communities and cultivate phony terrorist plots. By John Tiffany — If someone believes that most, or all, “terrorists” are invented and created […]

China Scheming to Topple U.S.

May 25, 2015 AFP 3

By John Tiffany — According to China expert Michael Pillsbury—author of a new book called The Hundred-Year Marathon—the Chinese secretly plan to supplant America as the world’s superpower by 2049. Pillsbury, who has worked with […]

Will Washington Kill Us All?

April 26, 2015 AFP 0

• U.S. foreign policy has to fundamentally and totally change. By Paul Craig Roberts — Did you know that Washington keeps 450 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) on “hair-trigger alert”? Washington thinks that this makes […]

World War 3 Averted

April 12, 2015 AFP 10

• U.S., Iran, UK, France, Russia, China, Germany agree. By John Friend — Despite the hysterical, irrational protestations of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his sycophants embedded throughout all levels of the American political […]

Saying ‘No’ to Big Bro’

April 6, 2015 AFP 3

• State senator, parents, families uniting to end microchipping of all Texas students. By Mark Anderson — A Texas state senator is standing up for personal freedom and privacy rights by introducing legislation that would […]

European Nationalism Rising

March 28, 2015 AFP 4

• We may be witnessing the end of the EU and multiculturalism on the continent. By Patrick J. Buchanan — As the European Coal and Steel Community of Jean Monnet evolved into the European Union […]

D.C. the Enemy to World Peace

March 21, 2015 AFP 4

On February 25 and 26, Paul Craig Roberts addressed the 70th Anniversary of the Yalta Conference, hosted by the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Moscow. The following is […]

INTERVIEWS: Ukrainians Speak #1

March 2, 2015 AFP 1

AMERICAN FREE PRESS’s own Olga Belinskaya, a native of Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine, conducted a series of raw, unedited interviews with ordinary, peaceful people from Ukraine’s war zone, who told Olga what life was really […]

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