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By Victor Thorn

On Feb 18, mainstream media sources kept asking: Who is Joe Stack, the “disgruntled anti-government kamikaze pilot”? But a more telling question is: How did they find out about him with such miraculously fast speed? Once a very careful timeline is reconstructed, many of their claims become suspect.

The official story originally released by news agencies is as such: Stack set his house on fire at 8 a.m. with his wife and stepdaughter still inside, both of whom had to be dragged out by neighbors, then stole a Cirrus SR22 plane from Waco and flew it into an IRS building at 10 a.m. Nearly everything in this version is either deliberate disinformation or shoddy reporting.

This AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer’s analysis conveys an entirely different scenario. For starters, on Feb. 20, this writer phoned Mrs. Carlotta Hutchins, Joe Stack’s next-door neighbor. She told AFP, and this information has been confirmed by other newspapers, that Stack’s house did not catch fire until 9:15 a.m. Her husband, Elbert, also told reporters that Mrs. Stack and her daughter were not at home, and arrived shortly before the firefighters. They had spent the previous evening at a hotel. Mrs. Hutchins added that no one saw Stack start the fire or leave in his car. In her words, “There was nothing out of the ordinary.”

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An internet MapQuest from Stack’s residence on Dapplegrey Lane in Austin to the Georgetown Municipal Airport on 500 Terminal Drive shows the distance is 21 miles. This point is vital because the official story has Stack departing from this airport (north of Austin, not in Waco) at 9:40 am. So, if Stack left his home immediately after torching it (if he even did so) at 9:15 am, that would give him 25 minutes to not only travel 21 miles in the area’s notorious morning rush hour traffic, but also make all his pre-flight preparations before taking off. It’s certainly possible, but he would have to break the speed limit every step of the way, then race maniacally at the airport without drawing any undue attention to himself.

Another Internet check showed the distance from Georgetown Airport to the Echelon I Building at 9430 Research Boulevard to be 24 miles. If Stack did reach his plane by 9:40 a.m. (that he owned, it wasn’t stolen), he still had to taxi along the runway, wait for any incoming or outgoing flights, then fly 24 miles in 16 minutes to make the 9:56 a.m. impact time. Again, it’s feasible, but only under optimal conditions.

By 11:54 a.m.—nearly two hours after the accident—news outlets were still reporting that Stack commandeered a stolen plane; while the FAA continued to claim he flew an SR22 (not a Piper Cherokee PA-28). So, by this time no one has confirmed the plane’s tail number, identified the pilot, or recovered a dead body. Plus, an entire day later, on Feb. 19, Georgetown airport attendant Jack Lilly told CNN, “Initial indications are that the flight originated here, but there were conflicting reports and we could not verify that information.”

On top of that, Stack never filed a flight plan because it was a VFR day (visual flight rules). Thus, no one actually witnessed him take off in the plane, there’s no flight plan, and officials assume he’s in a stolen plane (therefore no tail number). But at 12:16 p.m., The Austin American Statesman posted Stack’s manifesto on its web site. What’s even more bizarre is that was still quoting the Austin daily newspaper at 12:33 p.m., saying FBI agents were claiming the plane originated from Waco. They hadn’t even pinpointed the proper airport by this time. Waco, take note, is

With nearly 200 million web sites in existence, how could they have obtained Stack’s obscure little page when he hadn’t even been identified yet? On Feb. 19, this writer spoke with two reporters at The Austin American Statesman and asked how they arrived at this information.

Dave Doolittle told me, “We were alerted to it [the manifesto] via Twitter, or else we got a lead from a reader.”

Yet, how could “social media users” know his identity when no one else did? One clue as to who “leaked” Stack’s data can be found from his Internet Service Provider, Alex Melen of T35, who was contacted by FBI agents at 2:40 p.m. and told to delete his site.

The oddities continue. At 2:55 p.m., Austin’s NBC affiliate, KXAN, interviewed an eyewitness named Megan Riley, who stood in the World Mart parking lot and saw a plane fly over I-183 before striking the Echelon Building.

During this live telecast, she dropped a bombshell. “I know that the fire department got here real fast because they actually had an engine sitting over there (pointing) that just so happened to be doing something with Hazmat. So, they were over there right away.”

Heidi Zhou of News 8 Austin confirmed her story.

Fifteen firefighters from the West Lake, Oak Hill, Pflugerville, and Lake Travis fire departments were running Hazmat drills in a parking lot across Highway 183 when they saw the plane,” she said. “ ‘The chances could be one in a million,’ Lake Travis Fire Chief Robert Abbott said of the timing.”

This is reminiscent of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, where bomb-squad trucks waited prior to the explosion.

Can another coincidence be found in a 2009 movie entitled The Echelon Conspiracy where a computer engineer (Stack’s profession) is warned to stay off an airline flight that crashes soon after takeoff? Further, NSA spooks use the Echelon software program to inspect and intercept the content of phone calls, emails and faxes for certain “inflammatory trigger words.”

There are other anomalies. First, Stack was supposedly in dire financial straits; yet he owned his own home and his own business. His wife worked, and he owned an airplane. Secondly, if his revenge against the “Big Brother tax man” was so carefully planned, why didn’t he target their main IRS location in South Austin rather than a mere branch office in the Echelon Building?


Damage to Austin IRS building following Stack attack

Lastly, how did this light, single-engine Piper aircraft cause such enormous amounts of damage?

IRS revenue officer Peggy Walker, who was present at the time, said, “It felt like a bomb blew off.”

Likewise, fellow employee Andrew Jacobsen commented, “The plane hit with a big ‘whoomp,’ and then a second explosion.”

Compared to similar incidents—such as the famous 2002 Tampa, Fla. crash—Stack’s tiny aircraft looked more akin to a jetliner hitting the Pentagon on 9-11.


Damage to building in Tampa crash

To compensate for this discrepancy, Fox News reported on Feb. 19, “U.S. law enforcement officials said they were trying to determine if Stack put anything in the plane to worsen the damage caused by the impact and fire.”

Specifically, they’re now saying that he may have removed seats from his plane and placed a stolen fuel drum in its place. But Stack certainly didn’t have time to perform such an operation that morning, so when did he supposedly pull off this feat, and where is the proof?

Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of many books on 9-11 and the New World Order. These include 9-11 Evil: The Israeli Role in 9-11and Phantom Flight 93.

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(Issue # 5, February 1, 2010)

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