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Smoking Out the Global Elite

Jim Tucker using all his sleuthing skills to find Bilderberg 2007 meeting site

By James P. Tucker Jr.

Journalists and photographers from Europe will be helping American Free Press smoke Bilderberg out of its hideout somewhere around Istanbul, Turkey, when the group hosts its annual meeting from May 31 to June 3.

In years past, I have kept my techniques for locating Bilderberg quiet because I did not want internationalists to wise up to my probing. But as the hunt grows more and more difficult, I am hoping that by relating some of my methods for locating these elites, more people can take on the role of amateur Bilderberg hunter and assist in the search.

The last time Bilderberg met in Turkey it was in Cesme over the course of the weekend of April 25 to April 27 in 1975. The name of the resort was the Golden Dolphin. Attendees included David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and William F. Buckley. Donald Rumsfeld also reportedly attended as a top official under President Gerald Ford.

AFP readers are now helping to send me to Turkey by accepting an offer of an autographed copy of my book, Bilderberg Diary, for a donation of $35 or more. I’m touched that so many readers have responded. But if you have not gotten a copy of my book yet, please do so. Every purchase goes to help fund

our efforts to expose this shadowy group of globalists. (Call 1-888-699-NEWS to order.)

Amid a flurry of phone calls and emails between Washington and Europe, a message arrived from Emre Tekin, who lives in Istanbul. He described himself as a tour guide and “amateur conspiracy hunter.”

Tekin said in his initial communication that a likely Bilderberg site is the 5-star Klassis Hotel in Silivri, about 40 miles outside Istanbul. It fits the Bilderberg pattern: an isolated resort that can be heavily guarded and sealed off. In inquiring if reservations were available June 1-3, hotel staff said they could only book on the Internet.

“Can you not simply say whether reservations are available before the painstaking effort to reserve online is undertaken?” I innocently asked a hotel employee over the phone. “No” was his response.

I thought that was strange, so I asked my travel agent, who has helped over the years and become fascinated with the annual Bilderberg venture, to look into this. The answer came back that, “yes,” they could accommodate me.

I should add that the fact that this reporter could obtain a reservation during the Bilderberg days does not mean the gangsters will meet elsewhere. In 1993, the publication I used to work for, The Spotlight, had positive information that Bilderberg would meet at the elite Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel, situated high on a hill a few miles south of Athens, Greece. Inexplicably, my reservation was accepted when I was doing a check. On arrival, however, I was told that a mistake had been made and a reservation was placed for me at a nearby hotel.

AFP correspondent James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who has spent many years with the “alternative” media in Washington.

(Issue #22, May 28, 2007)

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Updated May 20, 2007

