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Populists Optimistic About Future of Sen. Rand Paul


THERE MAY BE HOPE YET for newly elected Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). The son of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), the younger Paul rode the tea party wave to office in the midterm election, beating out Democrat Kentucky state Attorney General Jack Conway 56 percent to 44 percent.

Paul won despite a sloppy campaign that was more of an establishment Republican effort than a populist, America-first approach. That angered many supporters, who were hoping to see the younger Paul mirror his father’s long-held conservative views.

But some say his apparent missteps were, actually, intentional in order to attract evangelical Christian voters in Kentucky.

According to Associated Press exit polls, Paul received strong support from the growing number of evangelicals in Kentucky, with nearly 70 percent of white, born-again Christians voting for him. That would certainly explain his views on such hot-button issues as Israel and the continued U.S. occupation of the Middle East.

Last April, one of Paul’s position papers on Israel was leaked to the press. In it, Rand laid out his unconditional support for Israel. In addition, he called for “divestment from Iran” and “strongly” objected to “the arrogant approach of (the) Obama administration” toward a fair peace process.

“Only Israel can decide what is in her security interest, not America, and certainly not the United Nations,” he wrote in the paper. “As a U.S. senator, I would never vote to condemn Israel for defending herself.”



But now that Paul is in office, his independent, noninterventionist roots may be showing.

During an interview with a national television talk show, Paul criticized the Republican Party for its unwillingness to support cuts in the U.S. military.
“Republicans traditionally say, oh, we’ll cut domestic spending, but we won’t touch the military,” said Paul. “The liberals—the ones who are good—will say, oh, we’ll cut the military, but we won’t cut domestic spending. Bottom line is, you have to look at everything across the board.

He added: “I don’t see things in terms of political party, so I think this can be something where I can work across the aisle—but the second thing you need is a compromise on where the spending cuts come from.”

The biggest issue for this country is debt, he said, and it’s a priority for everyone inside the growing tea party movement.

“We’re worried that we’re inheriting or passing along this debt to our kids and our grandkids,” he said. Ending America’s trillion-dollar occupation of the Middle East is a fine place to start. The hope is tea partiers realize this before it’s too late.

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(Issue # 47, November 22, 2010)

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