100+ Protesters Stand Guard Over Westfields Marriott; Win Big Free Speech Battle

By Julia Foster
More than 50 AFP readers, protesting at the entrance to the Westfields Marriott, forced a Secret Service agent to abandon efforts to force them to leave their posts.
The embarrassed agent left the scene. The self-proclaimed “owner,” Bill Keech, Jr., was forced to accept protesters with a three-step move by three people off “private property.”
When Fairfax police finished talking to the protesters about the First Amendment, they laughed and told them to continue. “That’s what America is all about,” one said. Police remained, because Bilderberg paid the county for “protection.”
Bilderberg also had platoons of private security, Secret Service and FBI agents. Moments later, the Secret Service man appeared, obvious because of his earplug and gun-bulge in his coat. He talked privately with police, who showed no reaction. Keech joined the conversation. Keech and the Secret Service agent approached the protesters, with Fairfax police behind them. Keech asked to speak privately with the “leader.” All protesters stepped forward, yelling “I’m the leader!” To the baffled Keech, they shouted an explanation: “We’re all leaders.”
Protesters asked: How does Keech “own” a sidewalk? If so, it remains a public right-of-way because it is constantly used by pedestrians—at least a “prescriptive right,” as lawyers would argue.
“The Fairfax County police had no problem with us until the (Secret Service agent) came along.” Do the police support you now?” protesters demanded. Police were silent. The Secret Service man left. Keech caved. Protesters continued for four days. Protesters gave local police a cheering salute.
If not for these brave, patriotic protesters, Bilderberg would not have yielded an inch on information about its secret meeting. Protesters patrolled from sunrise until long after dark. Alex Jones’s booming voice, enhanced by a megaphone, ridiculed Bilderberg non-stop. Three other guys with megaphones joined at night and chanted good-natured insults in unison. Inside the resort, Bilderberg ears were pierced. Madeleine Albright, secretary of state under President Bill Clinton, was not on Bilderberg’s participant’s list, but was observed rolling in. When she stepped out of her limo, protesters shouted her name. She screamed in panic and was helped into the resort.
Many people driving by shouted support with thumbs-up and friendly waves. Of the hundreds observed, only two, a Bilderberg goon and a carload of apparently private citizens, made vulgar gestures and shouted obscenities.
Many of the citizens came back to the protests, bringing large quantities of bottled water for the demonstrators. One brought 12 watermelons. A lawn chair was brought to Tucker, which made his legs (the only part of him that is 73 years old) last longer.
(Issue # 25, June 23, 2008)