Obama Ignores Citizenship Lawsuit
Failure of Democrats to answer lawyer’s charges in 30 days means candidate admits charges by default
By Pat Shannan
The Pennsylvania attorney who challenged the Democratic presidential candidate’s “natural birth” has claimed victory in his federal suit because the defendants, Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee, have failed to answer the suit within the required 30 days, thereby losing by default.
On October 21, Berg announced that Obama and the DNC “admitted” to, by way of failure of timely response to “requests for admissions,” the specific requests in the federal lawsuit. “Obama is not qualified to be president, and therefore he must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president, and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate,” Berg told AFP.
The case is Berg v. Obama. Within the 56 counts to which Obama has now legally admitted are: My mother gave birth to me at the Coast Province Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya; the Certification of Live Birth posted on the website “Fightthesmears.com” is a forgery; I was not born in Hawaii; I am not a “natural born” U.S. citizen who satisfies the requirement to run for president, and my senior campaign staff knows this. Neither am I a “naturalized” citizen; also: I am a citizen of Indonesia; In 1981, I traveled on my Indonesian passport to Pakistan, a nation that did not allow Americans to enter [except on official business]; I obtained $200 million in campaign funds by fraudulent means.
Berg, a former deputy attorney general in Pennsylvania, lists 27 other counts to which the DNC has now admitted guilt.
These include:
1.) The DNC did not verify Barrack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president by performing a background check. 2.) The DNC admits Obama is not a “natural born” U.S. citizen. 3.) The Credentials Committee, along with Chairman Howard Dean, has been aware of this lawsuit since Aug. 22, 2008, when the lawsuit was faxed to its Washington D.C. office, but failed to verify the credentials of Obama. 4.) Plaintiff and all Democratic citizens of the United States have been personally injured as a result of not having a qualified Democratic presidential nominee to cast their votes upon. 5.) The Democratic National Committee has been promoting Obama’s presidential election knowing he was ineligible to serve as president.
Seeing the apparent stonewalling by the federal court in Pennsylvania since August, Steven Marquis of Fall City, Wash. has taken state action with the Obama birth certificate battle by filing suit in Washington State Superior Court against Secretary of State Sam Reed, demanding verification of Obama’s citizenship status.
The complaint demands that the Washington secretary of state verify and certify that Obama is or is not a “natural born” citizen by producing original or certified verifiable official documents. The lawsuit argues that this certification should take place before the election to preclude a constitutional crisis and likely civil unrest should such certification, after the election, prove that Obama was not qualified for office.
The complaint argues that the secretary of state has the duty to not only certify the voters but also the candidates and in so doing prevent the wholesale disenfranchisement of voters who would have had an opportunity to choose from qualified candidates had the certification preceded the election process. He also has the power to remove Obama from the ballot should his certification be questionable.
Obama has not allowed independent or official access to his birth records nor supporting hospital records. The Hawaii Health Department has violated federal law by ignoring Freedom of Information requests.
However, the federal judge in Pennsylvania has been delaying the case, stonewalling as election day 2008 approached.
Obama’s grandmother, still alive in Kenya, has asserted that she remembers the boy’s birth in that country in 1961 and that his mother moved him to Hawaii shortly thereafter. The Pennsylvania suit maintains that even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he lost his citizenship when he was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather six years later.
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(Issue # 44, November 3, 2008)