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Dissatisfied with the federal/city response, New Yorkers move to put issue on ballot


By Mark Anderson

The Harvard-educated civil rights litigator who’s seeking a major change in NewYork City government to investigate 9-11 is using a new approach to get enough signatures for a ballot initiative that would enable voters to decide whether to create a citywide attorney general.

Attorney Carl Person told American Free Press that the matter is now being pursued under New York state statute instead of the original idea of proceeding under city charter provisions. This means that the petition circulators, including Person’s assistant, activist Christopher Strunk, initially need to gather only 30,000 valid signatures of registered city voters—instead of a minimum of 50,000. The former deadline of 120 days to gather signatures no longer applies.

“We have as much time as we want,” Person told AFP.

Strunk says it has not been easy. While some signatures have been gathered, it’s been tough because New York-area media, unjustifiably sold on the official 9-11 Commission whitewash of what really happened on 9-11, is showing little interest. So it’s been tough to get people to understand the importance of this plan. AFP is reporting this exclusively.

AFP’s first report on this matter in early May noted that the clock began ticking for that deadline around May 8, 2007. But the initiative was reworked as Person and Strunk researched the matter and found it could be pursued in a way that seems more likely to succeed.

The 51-member New York City Council will get a chance to vote on this New York City attorney general proposal, which could negate the need for a citywide election. Once the signatures are gathered, the petitions will be forwarded to the Board of Elections and then to the City Council. The council, which has the power to enact a city statute to create a NewYork citywide attorney general, would have 60 days to accept or reject the proposal.

If the council rejects it, promoters must gather 15,000 more valid signatures to get the matter on the ballot. Person and Strunk said they want to get the proposal on either the 2007 or 2008 general election ballot, if the council does not enact it by statute. This year is preferred over 2008.
Person, who noted that pursuing the truth about 9-11 would not be the only function of the new attorney general, said a “hook” for the council is the potential of the new AG bringing in lots of new revenue through antitrust lawsuits. So, the elected council members, he reasons, might give this matter serious consideration.

“I think they would be very interested (if) we can add about three to five billion dollars of unrestricted revenue a year for them,” he said. “There is widespread awareness that the events of 9-11 were never adequately investigated.”

Interested persons also can contact the people behind this proposal as follows: Hotline — 646-537- 1755. Email: [email protected]. Or write to: NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative, P.O. Box 1063, New York, NY 10276.

American Free Press reporter Mark Anderson can be reached at [email protected] Watch future AFP issues for more on America’s welcome acceptance of biofuels and other energy alternatives, helping end our gluttonous addiction to foreign petroleum.

(Issue #36, September 3, 2007)

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Updated August 25, 2007

