Provocative New Book on Jesus Tackles Key Questions on Religion, Philosophy Over the Years 
By Michael Collins Piper
Victor Thorn has emerged as one of the most respected
independent journalists writing today. His hard-hitting books and monographs,
not to mention his multiple investigative reports and his many ventures in
radio, have captivated the attention of truth-hungry readers and listeners all
over the world. His website is a popular “must visit” location on
the Internet.
Ranging from his
three-volume exposé of Hillary (and Bill) to his various works relating to the
9-11 tragedy to his inquiries into the nature of the New World Order and its
impact on American liberty, Thorn has established himself as a voice to be
reckoned with in the alternative—some would say “dissident”—media today.
Now Thorn has branched out into the realm of religion and
philosophy and his new book, Jesus Speaks:
Secret Knowledge and Initiation at the Last Supper—325 pages long—will be
certain to create controversy. The book will incite, confound, amaze, excite,
inform and educate—and it may even horrify a few persons who are faint of
heart. But it’s a book that you will find hard to put down.
Those who are accustomed to Thorn’s hard-hitting political
analysis, based on history and current events, will find a “whole new Victor
Thorn” in these pages. Some folks will call him a heretic and demand he be
burned at the stake. Many people will be angry at this writer for even
reviewing Thorn’s book and will say that American
Free Press should not sell the book, that AFP shouldn’t delve into matters
of religion. 
(Ironically, many of these critics would otherwise be in the
forefront of denouncing other attempts at censorship. But when it comes to
religion, a lot of people lose all sense of fairness and are thus quite
prepared to censor others’ opinions.) Certainly, there will be those who will
cry that the book is “anti-Semitic.” And there will be those who will say that
the book is an abomination, that it is “anti-Christian” by its very foundation.
But say what you will about Jesus Speaks,
it’s a book that will accomplish one thing that, frankly, many books do not: it
will make you think.
Thorn’s book will challenge you to examine what you think
you know about the origins of mankind, the early days of Christianity, the very
nature of the universe itself.
Be prepared, for, to paraphrase Thorn, you will, upon
reading this book—beginning with its very opening pages—embark upon a journey
that will let you experience a dazzling array of new ideas. So let’s be upfront
about it: if you are hidebound in your religious views and not prepared to
debate and consider new ideas and different interpretations of traditional
Christian teachings, you might as well not even open this book. But if you
refuse to do so, you will deny yourself the opportunity of opening your mind
some of the most fascinating writing that’s ever come from the highly literate
pen of Victor Thorn.
So what’s the book about?
The book is written in the first person, as though the
reader is hearing the words of Jesus Christ to his disciples at the Last
Supper. “Outrageous!” you say. Well,
don’t say that until you’ve read the book.
The book is dynamite and the depth and breadth of what it covers—and in
such a deliberate and provocative fashion—will leave the reader with new
insights into so many realms. And, in fact, with a deeper appreciation than
ever for the good teachings of the man we know Jesus Christ. Here are some of
the highlights:
• Why the Old Testament is so strewn with violence, and how
it involves Yahweh.
• Where did the Ten Commandments originate, and what they
really mean?
• Who really raised Jesus, and how this small, isolated
group that was erased from the New Testament were the most important figures in
his life.
• John the Baptist’s rebellious heroism, as well as his obsessive
struggle against the Jewish religious elite.
• The sponsors of Jesus’ travels afar during his early adult
life, which lands he visited outside Palestine,
and the influential teachers that helped shape his world vision.
• Although commonly called the devil, Lucifer, or Satan; the
true source of evil (whose identity has been masked for millennia) is finally
•Who Jesus confronted in the desert after being baptized
(prior to beginning his ministry).
• Proof of how the Genesis creation stories, as well as
figures such as Moses and Abraham, were plagiarized from earlier cultures and
• How ancient mystery schools, secret societies and select
familial bloodlines established a control pyramid that stretched from Sumeria,
Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt,
Greece, and to Rome.
• The suppressed importance of forbidden archaeology.
• Cycles of civilization explained, and how mankind existed
on this planet long before our most recent 6,000 year epoch of time.
• Hidden symbolic meanings withheld in the Garden of Eden,
Noah’s Ark, Tower of Babel, Sodom & Gomorrah, plus Cain & Abel; and how
they relate to the fundamental building block of life—DNA.
• The true importance of Atlantis, the Great Pyramid, and
other archaeological wonders.
• Discover how kings, pharaohs, princes, lords, generals,
rabbis, and priests were put in place to subjugate man.
• The significance of karma and reincarnation, and how these
concepts are used by some cultures to exert control, while other religions
completely removed them from their holy books.
•Why was December 25 chosen as the date of Jesus’ birthday?
• The ultimate purpose of Jesus’ ministry, and who he came
to expose as the primary source of evil (in addition to their henchmen who
continue to perpetuate it).
• Tyranny exposed—the Pharisees, Sadducees, Sanhedrin, and Keepers of the Law. A journalist specializing in media critique, Michael Collins
Piper is the author of The High Priests of War ($20). He is also the author of
The New Jerusalem ($20), Dirty Secrets ($22), The Judas Goats ($25), The Golem:
Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb ($25), Target: Traficant ($25) and My First Days in
the White House ($20). All are available from AFP by calling 1-888-699-NEWS.
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August 10, 2009) |