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Time to Investigate Israeli Spying in U.S.


By Michael Collins Piper

If Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) is interested in fighting terrorism and treason, he should not only look at the first source of terrorism against America in the Middle East—the state of Israel—as described in the accompanying story, but he should inquire into the numerous high-level American government policy makers who have already been investigated by the FBI for suspected espionage and illicit influence-peddling on Israel’s behalf.* For the record, they include such prominent figures as:

• Richard Perle, former chief advisor to then-Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.), at the time Israel’s foremost advocate in Congress, and later assistant secretary of defense for international security policy in the Reagan administration and chairman of the Defense Policy Board under George W. Bush;

• Stephen J. Bryen, former top aide to then-Sen. Clifford Case (R-N.J.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and later Perle’s hand-picked deputy assistant secretary of defense for international economic trade and security policy during the Reagan years. Bryen

also founded the powerful Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs that spawned multiple other appointees to high office in GOP administrations;

• Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defense in the G. W. Bush administration and later, briefly, World Bank president;

• Douglas Feith, former Middle East specialist on the National Security Council, and then deputy assistant secretary of defense for negotiations policy during the Reagan administration, and finally undersecretary of defense for policy in the G.W. Bush administration; and 


• Jane Harman, former California congresswoman, now head of the Woodrow Wilson Center, which is highly influential on U.S. foreign policy.
Aside from the infamous former Navy Department-based spy for Israel, Jonathan Pollard, serving a life prison term, multiple American Jews in the military and U.S. intelligence in recent years have been investigated, disciplined, or otherwise convicted outright of various forms of disloyalty, including two of the more notable:

• David Tenenbaum, a Defense Department employee whose security clearance was revoked over suspicions regarding his perceived devotion to Israeli interests; and

• Ben-Ami Kadish, a mechanical engineer for the U.S. Army, who was convicted of relaying U.S. defense secrets to Israel from 1979 to 1985, including nuclear secrets. He was never punished for his treason, ostensibly due to his advanced age.

*See AFP’s special report Israeli Spies in America and the 9-11 Connection. 12 pages. 1-5 copies are $4 each. 6-39 copies are $1.85 each. 40-499 copies are 60¢ each. 500 or more are 50¢ each. We also recommend The DEA Report on Israeli Spying. This uncensored, unredacted version of the report (60 pages 8.5 x 11 format) is available for $15. Call 1-888-699-NEWS to charge or send payment to AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, #100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Add 10% of order total for S&H inside U.S. Add 20% for S&H outside U.S.

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(Issue # 12, March 21, 2011)

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