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Hamas Reacts Positively to Obama Plan

House Majority Leader says don’t expect Israel to compromise


AN OFFICIAL WITH HAMAS, the legitimately elected Palestinian government, said the organization would be happy to accept a preliminary
peace plan that has been floated by the White House if it includes Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state.

“We have an initial readiness to accept it and deal with it positively, but we will also reject it if it doesn’t include an American recognition of Palestinian
rights,” Yousef Rizka, adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, told a Chinese news agency.

But House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), who is currently leading a congressional dog-and-pony show in Israel with 29 other Democrats, told The Jerusalem Post that he does not support ceding half of Jerusalem to Palestine even though there is a Palestinian majority that lives in that part of the city.


“My view is that it will remain whole, and therefore—I don’t want to anticipate the endgame—but I don’t think the partitioning of Jerusalem is a reasonable outcome,” Hoyer told the Israeli press. “I don’t think it will happen.”

The current White House has repeatedly called on the Israeli government to rein in the rising scale of land theft in Jerusalem by Jewish extremists who are using Israeli courts to evict impoverished Palestinians from their homes in order to take over the city and declare it the capital of Israel.

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(Issue # 36, September 7, 2009)

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