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Crude Lies: Americans Not Getting Truth About Gulf Gusher


By Jim Traficant

America experienced long gas lines in the 1970s. Gasoline was rationed, fuel costs rising through the stratosphere. So Congress created a Department of Energy. Another bureaucracy, this time with one major goal: Reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Sounded good, didn’t it? Wow, we’re finally going to do something about this oil thing. This trade deficit thing: oil. No more hard times. Yellow brick road forever.

Right. Who’s kidding whom? America is more dependent on foreign oil today than we were in the 1970s. So much for the Department of Energy. It’s nothing more than a big expense to taxpayers. The same goes for the Department of Education. States can handle their educational programs.

The truth is we have too much federal government— way too much. Think about it: There are more government workers today than factory workers in America. We have no program, no strategy of economic revival, but that’s a subject for another day. Today, it’s all about oil. Everyone is stunned by the oil spill in the gulf. Hour after hour, there are news updates on the massive leak of a BP well in the Gulf of Mexico. Some say up to 1 million gallons are flowing into the open water each day.

Engineers from all over the world are trying to stop the spill. Every possible methodology is being employed or subject to experimentation. Bottom line: In the next two months as much as 60 million gallons of oil will foul the gulf waters and beaches from Louisiana to Mississippi to Alabama to Florida.

The problem is much greater than the mainstream media is portraying. I do not believe that the American people are getting the unvarnished truth about this disaster. I believe BP and the government are hiding the true consequences of this, hoping against hope that a miracle will save the day and seal this huge fracture. But hope won’t get it. At least the American people can be informed, truthfully informed.

Just what is the truth? Let’s review some facts and analyze the “science” of this disaster.


Experts agree that the pressure that blows the oil into the gulf waters is estimated to be between 30,000 and 70,000 pounds per square inch. If they are correct, and I have no reason to doubt them, this spill is impossible to control. That’s right, I say impossible. There will be massive destruction in and around the gulf. The carnage to the United States will be staggering. Florida is in grave jeopardy, according to many scientists.

The scenario is clear: Super-high-pressure release of oil from the gulf floor is between 60,000 to 80,000 barrels per day. But that’s not all of it. In addition to the massive, high-pressure flow of oil and toxic gases, rocks and sand spew forth as well. This is dangerous.

These rocks and sand cause a sort of “sandblasting” effect on the remaining wellhead to be worn and thus, enlarged, causing an even greater, increasing flow. They now maintain that even if some device could be placed onto the existing wellhead, it would not be able to shut off the flow.

Be advised that the original wellhead piping is about two inches thick. It’s likely to be less than one inch thick now, and thinning, from this “sandblasting” effect. The oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the oceanic currents, which are four times stronger than the gulf current. What does this mean?

The science is clear: the strong oceanic currents will carry it throughout the world within 18 months. Scientists warn that the oil with the gases, including benzene and other toxins, are now depleting the oxygen in the water and will begin to kill all life in the ocean. The wellhead must be capped. Slant-drilled pressure relief “valves” will take two months to complete. If the sandblasting effect is not abated, the drilled hole in the Earth will enlarge itself beneath the wellhead and weaken the area the wellhead rests upon. The great pressure will blow the wellhead off the drilled hole, allowing unrestricted flow of oil.

Eventually, after several billion barrels of oil have been released, the massive cavity beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalize, allowing water to be forced naturally into the huge cavity where the oil was. The temperature in that cavity is 400 degrees, at minimum. The incoming water will be vaporized and turned into steam, creating an enormous force, which will actually lift the gulf floor.

One thing is certain: A massive tsunami wave between 20 to 80 feet high will be created while gravity forces the gulf floor to fall into the cavity. This is how nature seals the hole. Everything within 200 miles is in grave danger.

Man drilled the hole, but nature will seal it, if man fails to do so. This is no ordinary spill, folks. At least we should be informed—truthfully, that is. Get back at me.

James A. (Jim) Traficant, Jr. was born in Youngstown, Ohio on May 8, 1941. He received BS and MS degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. He also received an MS from Youngstown State University in 1976. From 1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress in 1984. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives. Donations of support may be sent to Mrs. Tish Traficant, 429 Main Street, Poland, OH 44514. Listen to Jim’s Saturday radio program from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time on WTAM 1100 in Cleveland, Ohio.  You can also view it on Click on the web cam button.

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(Issue # 26, June 28, 2010)

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