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Woman ‘Incurably’ Crippled by Vaccine Cured by Alternative Healer


By Pat Shannan

In late August, Desiree Jennings was a beautiful and athletic 26-year-old Washington Redskins cheerleader anxious for the upcoming Sunday excitement, but by the time the new season began in September, she was a crippled and hopeless spastic who could speak only with great difficulty and one syllable at a time. She had taken a seasonal flu shot and experienced what doctors called a “one-in-a-million” adverse neurological reaction and was left with an “incurable” affliction known as dystonia.

Dystonia can affect just one muscle, a group of muscles or all of the muscles. Symptoms can include tremors and voice problems or a dragging foot. Researchers think that a problem in the part of the brain that handles messages about muscle contractions might cause dystonia. There is no cure, they say.

Video reports were not only heart-rending but so weird as to cause many people to believe the young woman was faking because of the ambulatory antics caused by the disease. Medical reports had already confirmed that this was no fake.

These films showed the pathetically crippled Jennings able to run forward normally and even walk backwards unimpaired, but whenever she slowed to a walking pace or attempted to walk forward, the bizarre symptoms immediately returned. She could also talk normally while running or walking backwards but could utter only single syllables while still.


All the reports from the AMA doctors said that while Desiree’s neurological reaction to the vaccine was “extremely rare” and that “flu shots are safe,” she was doomed for life. Both Johns Hopkins and Fairfax hospitals confirmed that the dystonia was induced by the vaccination injection and that it was “irreversible.”

They are wrong. Enter Dr. Rashid Buttar, who

does not use the conventional cures of the medical world but rather natural remedies and nutrition. He noticed immediately that Desiree’s whole system was about to shut down. He couldn’t even examine her because by the time her husband brought her in, she was lapsing into seizure every minute or two and would actually stop breathing for 15 to 30 seconds. Buttar realized she was near death and, because she had not been eating, he first put her on an IV drip of nutrition to start rebuilding her immune system. He then noticed that the continual seizures subsided in a couple of hours.

Next this doctor knew that the mercury and other offending foreign matter now in her bloodstream had to be removed, and he began this process by inserting another IV to remove the toxicity. Chelation is an unconventional therapy utilized over the past half century to remove plaque from the arteries to improve blood circulation. While thousands shout its praises, the American Medical Association has done its best to ban its use.

Supporters of its use claim that the AMA refuses to view the positive results of chelation because to do so would force its eventual endorsement of something so inexpensive that it would interfere with its lucrative association with Big Pharma. This may also explain why the first Jennings story was suppressed by the mainstream media and why AFP may be the only one in print media to report this heart-warming sequel.

After a few more hours, Dr. Buttar was interrupted in his office by an excited nurse who yelled, “Doctor, come quickly!”

The good doctor ran to his patient, fearing she had suffered another seizure but instead was elated to find that she was awake, coherent and carrying on a normal conversation with the nurses and her family. By the next day she was walking the corridors with limited affliction. (See the video at: The AMA has remained silent.

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(Issue # 47, November 23, 2009)

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