Constituent Anger Has Congress Quaking

CITIZEN PROTESTS at town-hall meetings held by congressmen across the country have caused such a stir that some legislators are shaking in their boots and going to extremes to limit attendance. In Texas, for example, Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas) announced recently that he will be requiring attendees to show photo identification before they will be allowed into his gatherings.
He said he wants to be sure that only his constituents will be in the meeting before he begins. Republicans assailed Green for his hypocrisy. Green voted against a Republican amendment that would have required Medicaid recipients to prove they are not illegal aliens by showing photo ID.
“It’s just a tad ironic that while Congressman Green forces his own constituents to produce photo ID simply to attend a town hall meeting, he doesn’t feel it necessary that people who receive government subsidies should do the same,” a spokesman for one Republican congressman told a Capitol Hill newspaper.
Democrats have tried to dismiss the growing citizen firestorm as an orchestrated effort on the part of Republicans and private insurance companies to quash health care reform. But even the mainstream media has acknowledged that Americans are genuinely angry.
They are acting independently because they are upset about big government, out-of-control spending and the handouts to Wall Street to name but a few beefs. “These are genuine bona fide citizens showing up with homemade signs and plenty of outrage for this liberal administration and Congress that are so out of touch with what the voters are trying to say to them,” one woman told a newspaper in Baltimore, Md., after she attended a gathering with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.).
“Since phone calls and letters and emails are not doing the trick, we’re taking it to the town halls.”
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(Issue # 35, August 31, 2009)