Updated October 29, 2004

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Citizen Grand Jury Indicts Feds Over Sept

Citizen Grand Jury Indicts Feds Over Sept. 11 Attacks


Patriots, Researchers Meet in LA to Plan Strategy Against Elite


By Christopher Bollyn


LOS ANGELES, California—A citizens grand jury has voted to indict high officials in the U.S. government for complicity in the events of 9-11 after considering evidence presented by five researchers. The 6-hour event, “Solving the 9-11 Crime —A Citizens Grand Jury,” was organized by Lynn Pentz of 911truthla.us and held at the Bob Hope Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles during the evening of Saturday, Oct. 23.

After discussion of the legal and historical basis for the grand jury, it was decided to enlarge the original grand jury to 23 in order to comply with California law.

The grand jury heard five researchers present evidence. They were Webster Tarpley, Barbara Honegger, Don Paul, Jim Hoffman and this writer.

Some of the evidence that I presented to the citizens grand jury had never been seen before.

Nay sayers notwithstanding, after hearing the evidence the jury voted to indict President Bush and other high officials of a number of charges of complicity in the 9-11 attacks and other offenses related to actions taken by the administration in their “war on terror.”

The 911truthla.us organization has not yet issued a press release regarding the votes taken by the citizens grand jury.

Having been asked to discuss the evidence from the Pentagon, I worked with Eric Hufschmid, author of Painful Questions, to create a five-minute video presentation with photographs from the Pentagon and World Trade Center.


Photos were shown from the Pentagon of the extensive decontamination procedures that were carried out on workers at the site. The full body suits, respirators, and scrub downs seen at the Pentagon indicate that the Department of Defense, which supervised the work at the Pentagon, was aware of the danger of an unusual contaminant at the site, such as depleted uranium.

I also presented official FEMA photographs from the Pentagon showing the unexplained presence of pieces of a small jet engine, roughly three feet in diameter. These photographs were first published in American Free Press last year. No one has ever claimed that they are part of a Boeing 757, the kind of aircraft that supposedly hit the Pentagon.

While some readers claimed that the small turbine wheel seen in the photo could have come from the auxiliary power unit (APU) in a 757, an engineer with the Arizona-based manufacturer of the APU, told AFP that the piece was “no part of an APU.”

The fact that the turbine was found next to insulation and parts of the housing that match its diameter indicates that it came from a small jet engine of similar size.

This proves that a jet engine with an opening diameter of between 3 and 4 feet was found at the Pentagon crash site. The opening diameter of a 757’s jet engine is about 9 feet.

When AFP first published photos of these unexplained pieces, more than one year ago, the question was raised whether they could be from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), such as the Global Hawk:


For those who say a smaller plane or unmanned drone, such as a Global Hawk, was involved in the Pentagon attack, identifying the piece in the photo could prove what kind of aircraft hit the building.

The Global Hawk is a single-engine drone that uses a Rolls Royce Allison engine, hand-built in Indianapolis, Ind. The AE3007H engine has a diameter of 43.5 inches.

Because the Global Hawk is a surveillance drone, the engine is contained in a heavily insulated housing, which makes it extremely quiet. This corresponds with eyewitness reports. American Free Press asked eyewitness Steve Riskus, who said he was within 100 feet of the aircraft, what he heard. He said he did not “recall hearing anything.” If a 757 or jet fighter flew at high speed 100 feet from an eyewitness, the sound would be deafening.


The fact that no evidence of a Boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site has been aired publicly, and the discovery of parts from a much smaller engine, suggest that what struck the Pentagon may not have been a 757.


With no evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon available to the public, some 9-11 researchers claim that a DU tipped missile, probably carried by a weaponized UAV, like the Global Hawk, struck the Pentagon.

Because DU is extremely dense, a wide variety of missiles in the U.S. arsenal are tipped with DU rods to penetrate the armored steel of military vehicles and buildings. Uranium is a “spontaneous pyrophoric material,” meaning it bursts into flames when it reaches its target and generates such intense heat that it explodes. This is the bright flash that is caused when a DU missile hits its target.

A white flash some people claim can be seen in videos of the two planes striking the twin towers in New York is the kind of event that occurs when a missile with a DU penetrator strikes.

Working with Hufschmid, AFP has found several photos that show a mysterious burning object passing through the initial explosion in the South Tower. This object, which displays all the characteristics of a burning DU penetrator, can be seen on page 39 of Painful Questions.

The photo of the fireball that followed the crash of the plane into the South Tower shows two objects out ahead of the inferno. One appears as a black dot leaving a trail of white smoke, the second appears to be a dark rod burning with a white flame followed by a trail of black smoke.

The second object displays the characteristics of a burning DU penetrator. AFP sent enlarged photos of the object to Marion Fulk, a retired chemical physicist from the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and asked him if this object could be DU.

“Yes, it is possible,” Fulk said. Asked about the dark smoke trailing behind the nearly pure white flame, Fulk said, “It could be uranium oxide.”

“Let’s assume it is uranium,” Fulk added. “It’s burning near the surface, and it’s pretty hot.” The object is small but with great mass and has huge momentum behind it, Fulk said. “It’s way out ahead of the explosion, and nothing stopped it.”

If the object was a DU penetrator, that would explain its intense heat, radiation expert Leuren Moret told AFP. The DU would have already been burning before it hit the tower. As it passed through the building some of the penetrator’s kinetic energy would have been converted to heat energy.

The difference between the orange colors of the flames coming from the explosion in the tower and the white flame of the small dense object are indicative of “a huge temperature difference,” Moret said.

The gap between the burning object and its dark smoke trail is because the vapor coming off of the burning object is very hot and has to cool in order to condense and form the visible dark colored uranium oxides, Moret said.


© American Free Press 2004