Candidate Tancredo Takes Tough Stand On Immigration

By John Tiffany
A former U.S. congressman from Colorado is shaking up the gubernatorial race in his home state, largely over the issue of unfettered immigration and multiculturalism, which is sending shivers down the spines of the other establishment candidates.
Tom Tancredo is running for governor of Colorado on the Constitution Party ticket. With the general election nearly upon us as this AFP edition circulates, he currently holds a double-digit lead over GOP contender Dan Maes.
But Democrat John Hickenlooper currently holds a lead over Constitutionist Tancredo in what has surprisingly shaped up to be a two-man contest. The margin is a slim one of 45-40.
Tancredo also ran for president in 2007 as a Constitution Party candidate, taking a strong stance against illegal immigration. In a speech to the party, he made the following statement: “If you want to call me a single-issue candidate, that’s fine, just so long as you know that my single issue is the survival and the success of the conservative movement in America.”
Tancredo has made it clear he supports strictly enforcing immigration laws and deporting all illegal aliens. He urges America to reject “the siren song of multiculturalism.”
Tancredo founded the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus in 1999. He has not only called for a halt to illegal immigration, which, he says, allows terrorists to enter our country, but a three-year moratoriumon all immigration, legal as well as illegal.
During the Bush II administration, Tancredo boasted that, although a Republican congressman at the time, he was unwelcome at the White House not only because he disagreed with the Bush policy of leaky borders, but also because he refused to support Bush “on his trade policy, his education policy, Medicare and prescription drugs initiatives.”
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(Issue # 41, November 1, 2010)