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Institute for Truth Studies

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Editorial: Bilderbergers Are Criminals, Traitors According to U.S. Law


ALL AMERICANS WHO PARTICIPATE in secret Bilderberg meetings are criminals and traitors. The Logan Act expressly forbids U.S. citizens to negotiate public policy with representatives of foreign governments. Thus, American officials and private citizens who participate are lawbreaking criminals.

U.S. and foreign government officials who attend are virtually all traitors because they put their world government goal ahead of the interests of their own nations. They scorn “nationalism” and work for “transnationalism.” All Bilderberg “regulars” must support these goals or be ostracized. More than 100 of the 120 or so attendees are “regulars,” invited every year. Typically, five or so participants are first-timers. A potential president is likely to be invited once but tossed aside when his political star dims, as former Vice President Dan Quayle can attest.


But you have to support Bilderberg’s global agenda to survive. Infrequently, one refuses and is drummed out. In 1989, The Spotlight (AFP’s inspiration) reported that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher attended for the first time, had little to say but objected to demands that she surrender sovereignty to the European Union.

Bilderberg ordered her ouster and Lady Thatcher was replaced as prime minister by a member of her own Conservative Party, a trapeze artist’s son named John Major.

AFP’s Jim Tucker discussed this with Lady Thatcher in June, 1995. “It is an honor to be denounced by Bilderberg,” Lady Thatcher told Tucker. “Anyone who would surrender the sovereignty of their country . . .” her voice trailed off as she shook her head in disgust.

“They are a stuck-up set,” she added. Lady Thatcher expressed optimism that Bilderberg would fail to meet its goal of a world government by 2002, a deadline that had been set back from the original target year of 2000. Although she is now in the dimness of Alzheimer’s disease, Lady Thatcher’s optimism proved justified.

“They said, ‘nationhood should be suppressed,’ but there will never be a new world order,” she added.

There have probably been a few other lesser-known Bilderbergers ousted for nationalism over the years. But all Bilderberg “regulars” are traitors to their own countries. And American participants are criminals, too.

(Issue # 16 & 17, April 20 & 27, 2009)

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