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Bilderberg Bested at EU

By James P. Tucker Jr.

The European Union summit has left Bilderberg disheartened. It resulted in a “treaty” instead of a European Union “constitution” and the “European anthem” has been discarded. Much of the sovereignty-surrendering elements in the rejected “constitution” remain intact, but the trappings of a “single superstate” are important to Bilderberg.

Member states are telling each other to ratify the treaty by parliaments, not subject them to a popular vote. Voters in France and the Netherlands already rejected the original constitution, and polls throughout Europe show substantial majorities oppose a “constitution.”

Bilderberg is widely covered in Europe, and the public is more aware of its global agenda than in the United States.

Although newly retired Prime Minister Tony Blair has called on Britain to ratify the treaty without a popular vote, a view reflected by his successor, Labor Party colleague Gordon Brown, the Conservative Party is fighting for a referendum.

William Hague, the shadow foreign minister, made clear the Tories would press their case.

“Blair and Brown have signed up to major shifts of power from Britain to the EU,” Hague said. “The government has absolutely no democratic mandate to introduce these major changes without letting the British people have the final decision in a referendum.”

Under the treaty, the EU will have a permanent president, instead of the six-month rotating leadership. It will have some kind of foreign affairs department and diplomatic service, so the EU would speak as a single voice on world affairs.

But the head of that department will have to be called something besides “foreign minister.” The EU will be given a “legal personality” so the superstate can be represented in international organizations and sign international agreements.

(Issue #28, July 9, 2007)

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Updated June 30, 2007

