Updated June 11, 2004











Actions taken at secret Bilderberg meetings affect you and all Americans, just as they have throughout a half-century of plotting, say independent investigators who have tracked the shadowy group over the years. This year in Italy is typical: Bilderberg focused on issues related to American taxes, U.S. foreign aid and a direct UN tax on oil at the wellhead.

The power of these international financiers and political leaders is awesome. By penetrating Bilderberg meetings for more than two decades, reporters have been able to get advance information on the end of the Cold War, the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain, President Bush the Elder’s breaking of his “read my lips, no new taxes” pledge and much, much more.

Bilderberg goes to great lengths to keep the time and place of its meetings secret. High government officials who attend, some from Congress, others from the White House, departments of State, Defense and Treasury, will refuse to provide the information.

These officials know that the meeting times and locations should be public information. The taxpayers pay their transportation costs and they conduct public business behind closed doors, protected by a throng of armed guards.

You will rarely read or hear the word “Bilderberg” in either the print or broadcast media. That’s because the media is part of this international conspiracy.

Inside you will find the names and publications of journalists, editors and publishers who attend Bilderberg in a non-reporting capacity—meaning they will not report what has been discussed by these powerful elites.

Reporters, columnists and others from The Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times attend Bilderberg and pledge to keep details private. Similarly, people from the major networks have attended Bilderberg on the same pledge.

If these same publications and broadcast outlets learned that 120 football players were meeting secretly in a sealed-off resort for three days, they would work tirelessly to learn what is transpiring. But when 120 of the world’s most powerful people meet secretly, they are uninterested.

Why? They claim it is because the private atmosphere allows power elites to speak candidly about their views.

But when so many people with so much power get together in one place to discuss issues that affect all of us, the American public is owed an explanation. See pages 9 to 12 for AFP’s exclusive coverage of this year’s event.