AFP Editors On the Trail of Bilderberg, Live Tonight from Sitges, Spain

By Mark Anderson
Spain—This AFP writer’s radio show tonight on June
5 will be live from this beautiful seaside town where the Bilderberg
2010 meeting is in full force in a secluded, hilltop hotel.
The latest
happenings of this annual meeting of corporate titans, media moguls,
current and former government high officials, big-wigs from high
finance and others will be outlined tonight for one or likely both
hours of this show, When Worlds Collide.
Click here or here or here
to listen to Mark's show live beginning at 7 p.m., central standard
time. (If the direct link does not work, visit
for listening instructions.)
Listeners are
strongly encouraged to call and ask questions and provide information
or ideas during what promises to be a lively show. The call-in number
is 800-313-9443.
Spanish media
have put forth what appears to be an unprecedented amount of news
coverage over the last 2-3 days, telling economically-strapped Spanish
citizens of a secretive, manipulative group that years ago could escape
most scrutiny but is now a bit jittery over all the attention.
Media from
the UK, France, the U.S. and especially Spain are providing almost
around the clock coverage, though some of it downplays
Bilderberg’s significance, while other reports are more
analytical or critical of private and public officials meeting behind
closed doors at the Hotel Dolce in Sitges.
As has been
the case since the first Bilderberg Group meeting in the Netherlands in
1954, the hotel is ringed by hundreds of uniformed police officers and
private security personnel, most of whom have pistols and at least a
few of whom are armed with rifles, according to numerous witnesses who
have worked with this AFP/RBN reporter and AFP colleague Jim Tucker.
Tucker also is in Sitges and is widely known for having followed Bilderberg for 31 years.
Tucker and
this writer have been swamped with media requests and have helped
spread the word around the globe to shine a spotlight on this infamous
meeting, to which many attendees were spotted arriving Friday and
especially Saturday. So far it has been hard, however, to clearly
identify attendees by sight.
Mark Anderson is
a longtime newsman now working as the deputy editor for AMERICAN FREE
PRESS. Together he and his wife Angie provide many photographs of the
events they cover for AFP. Mark welcomes your comments and inputs as
well as story leads. Email him at at [email protected].
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(Issue # 12, March 22, 2010)