Youtube Calls on ADL to Censor Web 
By Rev. Ted Pike
Many are worried by YouTube's recent
announcement of collaboration with the Anti-Defamation League to eliminate
"cyber-hate" on its website. If YouTube gives ADL too much control,
free speech there may be a thing of the past for critics of Zionism or
Christian critics of homosexuality. Censorship of the internet is especially
ominous when driven by definitions of "prejudice" and
"hate" as twisted as ADL's.
But there is hope. Most non-Zionist internet organizations
and servers do not share ADL's extreme, even paranoid definitions of hatred,
anti-Semitism, and homophobia. If internet content is factual, well-documented,
non-racist and not actually anti-Semitic, ADL will encounter difficulty persuading
YouTube to ban large numbers of politically incorrect users.
YouTube, Cisco, Microsoft, and Google still chafe from public
outrage and Congressional displeasure over cooperation with Chinese bans of
controversial internet content. Perhaps to compensate, these internet giants
vehemently oppose Australia's
planned censorship of incoming and outgoing "unlawful" internet
content. The last thing YouTube wants now is to create a reputation of
Chinese-style censorship. That would only fuel emerging Web 2.0 competitor
websites, which could thrive on their boast of allowing freedom of expression
unrestrained by the ADL.
Several years ago, I witnessed the difficulty faced by Jewish
authorities wanting to remove my allegedly hateful film, The Other Israel, from repeated showing on a Virginia cable access TV station. The ACLU,
persuaded to investigate and possibly militate for its removal, carefully
studied my film and proclaimed it hate-free!
Yes, it is to ADL's advantage to involve itself in any
(usually well-meaning) organizations' efforts to filter pornography and
violence from families and children. (An example is ADL's recent liaison with
AT&T and the Family Safety Online Institute.) Yet it is a different matter
to persuade these organizations that "hate" includes criticism of Israel's
mistreatment of Palestinians, the Talmud, Jewish control in US politics and war
making, or homosexuality. This could prove beyond ADL's powers of persuasion or
even coercion.
At the recent ADL-sponsored Global Summit on Internet Hate,
Christopher Wolf, head of the ADL-inspired International Network Against
Cyber-Hate (INACH), painted a bleak picture of difficulties faced by ADL in
ending free speech online. INACH, says Wolf, remains frustrated by the
internet's still-exploding outreach, universal invitation to participate, and
difficulty to monitor and censor. Thousands of "hate sites" exist; even
if ADL persuades servers to discontinue some of them, dozens of other servers
will host them. Many more spring up daily. Wolf gloomily said the possibilities
of cyber-hate expansion are exponential. He said this is unlike anything Jewish
watchdog groups have ever experienced.
Although I am against bona fide hate, this is good news for
lovers of freedom.
It is also good news that Wolf says all INACH and ADL can do
is educationally confront it right now.
That's fair enough. ADL can "educate" through lies
and misinformation. As long as we can educate through facts, truth will
prevail. Historically, when truth is allowed to exist in the sunshine of open
unrestrained scrutiny by mankind, it will eventually dispel lies.
When the internet was first created, many feared the
worldwide web would become an anti-Christ tool to unite the world in global,
Orwellian mind-control and governance. Yes, it has proven a boon to
pornographers. But just as the Roman roads spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, so the internet now provides global
resistance to the greatest threat civilization has ever encountered:
international Jewish supremacism.
Sometimes after dark and overcast days, the setting sun
shines under the clouds for a few minutes, gloriously irradiating the earth
before darkness. By God's grace, we are experiencing a period of unrestrained
opportunity to shed such light worldwide. Let us use the internet wisely,
moderately, in a factual, documented way. I believe that whatever ADL may do in
the highest echelons, or behind the scenes, God will honor such truth-telling
and humanity at large will respect it.
Especially if we can prevent a U.S. federal hate crimes law from
being enacted this winter, a new era of light and freedom may just be dawning.
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