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Institute for Truth Studies



Hillary (And Bill):

Part 2 in the Trilogy

This is the last word on the topic of Hillary (and Bill) and their long-time, deep-cover involvement with the international drug trade, acting as assets of the Central Intelligence Agency . . .  Although Republican propagandists talked of the Clinton role in the infamous arms-and drugs-and-money laundering operations out of the tiny Mena, Arkansas airport during Bill Clinton’s years as governor, what they have carefully kept under wraps is the fact that Hillary (and Bill) were working in conjunction with the CIA in these operations during the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush . . .

 Perhaps this explains why—even though Bill Clinton defeated George H. W. Bush for reelection in 1992—the senior Bush and Hillary (and Bill) just happen to be very close friends, a point that neither grass-roots Republicans nor grass-roots Democrats are little aware of and if they are aware of it, they don’t understand why . . .

In truth the Bush and Clinton dynasties have been very chummy CIA bedfellows for years!


Hillary (and Bill) were both CIA assets going back to their college and law school days and now, Victor Thorn, in Hillary/Drugs has put together the whole astounding story in this hard-hitting 335-page volume.  This is an all-encompassing masterpiece of research that puts together, all in one place, between two covers, the best and most detailed in-depth material that indicts Hillary (and Bill) for their criminal intrigues . . .  Whether Hillary (and Bill) reclaim the White House this year—and don’t count them out, by any means (they’re two of the cagiest political operators around)—they will be around for a long time to come and their influence on American soil (and worldwide) is unprecedented . . .

Victor Thorn’s Hillary: The Drugs Volume is the one book on this (infamous) power couple that explains just how and why the Clintons got to where they are today . . .

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