Third Party’s Platform Must Include Repeal of 16th Amendment

By Jim Traficant
President Obama recently gave his first State of the Union address. A polarized group of politicians attended. Democrats and Republicans. Same room but miles apart. The federal government is fractured by partisanship. It seems the goal of both parties is to gain the majority. The people, citizens and taxpayers are an afterthought.
Mr. Obama said, “We have a deficit of trust.” How true. The American people have lost trust in the government. Truth is trust, and the American people have lost trust because the federal government has lied. Lies, lies and more lies.
The biggest lies of both parties are evident around election time: cut taxes and reduce the deficit by curtailing spending. What a joke. Both parties have had their chances. Truth is, they’ve both failed.
The problem is allegiance. Yes, allegiance. The healthcare debacle epitomized the cancer in federal politics. There are some 535 members of Congress—and not one Democrat agreed with the Republicans. Not one Republican agreed with a Democrat.
There were a few Democrats that were “permitted” to vote no on the health bill. They were “allowed” to dissent because the Democrats had enough other votes to pass it.
Democratic leaders gave vulnerable Democratic members a chance to salvage their election in contested districts, in order to keep and maintain their majority.
In essence, members of both parties showed solidarity and allegiance to their respective parties. This cardinal sin has destroyed America. The only allegiance of importance is to the American people, not the parties.
In fact, there’s really no difference between these two parties: They both promise to reduce the deficit, balance the budget, reform welfare, cut spending, fix Social Security, achieve tort reform, stabilize Medicare, cut government spending, create jobs, stop illegal immigration, bolster education, increase exports, cut trade deficits, reduce dependence on foreign oil and give us everything we want.
Think about it. They even promise to pay down the national debt. But the promise that frosts my pumpkin is—they both promise to cut taxes. Promises, promises. Lies and more lies. Have you not had enough? Our government does not need change; our government needs to be replaced.
It is not very complicated. America needs a third party with a program, not promises. That program must begin with the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which would kill the Communist income tax forever and abolish the IRS. It is that simple.
If you’ve read my columns you now have some understanding of the replacement I recommend. It doesn’t make sense to penalize work and reward dependence. It is stupid to suffocate working families while subsidizing illegitimacy. No wonder taxpayers are “taxed off.” America needs another Tea Party. That should be the name of the new, independent, third party. After all, it worked just fine once before in our forefather’s time.
A flat, fair 25 percent consumption tax on all new goods and services will impact every area of our economy. The fair tax will eliminate: withholding of wages, taxes on savings, tax on capital gains, death taxes, personal taxes, taxes on education, gift taxes, the alternative minimum tax, the Social Security tax, the Medicare tax, the self-employment tax, corporate taxes, civil tax cases, audits, IRS witch-hunts, April 15 and other tax deadlines, paperwork, tax attorneys, accountants, surtaxes, late fees, extensions, office visits, tax regulations, tax rules, tax penalties, IRS agents, IRS investigators, tax settlements, tax judgments, big brother and all of those empty promises of tax cuts.
Enough is enough.
James A. (Jim) Traficant, Jr. was born in Youngstown, Ohio on May 8, 1941. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, where he was a well-known football star. He also received a M.S. degree from Youngstown State University in 1976. For ten years he served as executive director of the Mahoning County (Ohio) Drug Program and from 1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat in 1984. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives. Despite his conviction and expulsion and being sent to prison for a seven year term Traficant still won 15% of the vote running for re-election to the House in the 2002 election as an independent. He recently completed a seven-year prison sentence, having refused to seek a pardon or clemency, refusing to admit to or apologize for crimes he did not commit.
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(Issue # 7, February 15, 2010)