Misinformation on ‘Mad Cow’ Disease
Threatens America’s Family Farms
The truth about the cause of
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as “Mad Cow” disease in
England and, to a lesser degree, in France is not what you have probably heard
about in the major media. And now, as concerns about the disease are spreading
to the United States, many health experts contend that small American family
farms may be subjected to destructive government regulations that are being promulgated
on false premises in the name of fighting the disease.
This was the topic discussed on
the April 28 broadcast of Radio Free America, the weekly call-in talk forum
with host Tom Valentine, sponsored by American Free Press. Joining Valentine
were two guests, Sally Fallon and Mark Purdy.
Miss Fallon is the founder and
president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and publisher of Wise Traditions
newsletter. For more information, see the foundation’s web site at
westonaprice.org or call (202) 333-4325 and request the free 12-page
information packet that is available.
Mark Purdy is an organic dairy
farmer from Somerset, England, who refused to obey British government orders to
spray his cattle with organophosphates, a chemical, in order to fight the warble
fly. Purdy went to court to challenge the order and won. His farm was exempted
from using the spray. When the “Mad Cow” epidemic hit England, not one cow in
Purdy’s herd developed the disease. Purdy has studied the issue and argues that
Mad Cow is not caused by a virus, but is a result of organo phosphate
pesticides and toxic mineral overload.
What follows is an edited
transcript of the interview. Valentine’s questions are in boldface. Purdy’s
responses are in regular text. Miss Fallon’s comments are in italics.
Here in the United States, the media was full of
hype about bovine encephalopathy, or “Mad Cow” disease, but you don’t buy the
official version of what causes it.
Initially, I was very skeptical of the way the
British government handled this thing. Foremost, they blamed it on the fact
that cattle were fed with this meat and bonemeal ingredient. What I noticed,
however, that this was actually sold all over the world, including the Middle
East, South America and South Africa and there were cattle in those countries
that never had a case of BSE.
As an organic dairyman, do you use that kind of
It actually didn’t go into organic feed in the
early days, because you were allowed to use 20 percent of the conventional feed
as it was called. So organic farmers did get that feed. But what was
interesting was that there was never a single case of BSE in a cow that had
been bred on an organic farm.
So it isn’t necessarily the fact that animal parts
are being fed back to an animal that eats grass that is the cause?
No, I think this is a complete myth. There have
been 40,000 cows in Britain that were born after the ban on meat and bonemeal,
which was in 1998, and they have developed BSE. So how can the meat and
bonemeal be the cause?
Some of the other European countries have really
over-reacted. Germany put down 40,000 cows just because of a problem in Bavaria
with three herds. This is a massive overreaction for a disease that doesn’t
spread from cow to cow.
Were organophosphates used on those three cow
herds in Germany?
Yes. However, there are two factors involved in
this disease. It’s a mineral imbalance caused by the feeding of an artificial
milk powder, laced with the metal manganese. When an animal is young, it can’t
control the amount of manganese that’s taken up into the brain. What happens is
that the brain of a calf that’s been fed on this milk powder is overloaded with
manganese to a toxic level. In later life when this animal is treated with a
chemical such as a phosphate chemical, it interacts with the manganese and
changes it from a safe form into a lethal, chain-reaction type phenomenon. It’s
a bit like a nuclear meltdown in the brain.
Humans have a problem with too much manganese. It
can affect human babies.
That’s right. The soy infant formula is high in
manganese and this is at a time when a baby has no protection against it.
Mothers milk and cow’s milk are very low in manganese and yet it is in the soy
I don’t think people realize that baby calves are
not given mother’s milk. They are given what’s called a “milk replacer,” a
formula for calves, and they deliberately make it high in manganese to get
certain types of growth.
So the combination of this pesticide to kill the
warble fly and the manganese is what you believe is causing Mad Cow.
This pesticide is so powerful that it is designed
to penetrate the cow’s skin and kill off the larvae of the warble fly that
actually live inside the cow. They actually pour the pesticide on the back of
the cow at the spinal cord, which is where BSE actually starts. This chemical’s
effect is to change the molecular shape of certain brain proteins that affect
the nerves.
No, the British have such a reductionist mindset
on this whole thing. Now, when I look at the humans who are dying of this
disease, I think it’s just scandalous. They will not look at any alternative
theory that dissents from the government’s theory.
The government’s theory has no evidence
whatsoever, but this theory has a load of evidence. For instance, at Cambridge
University—and you can’t get any better than that—they did a cell culture study
where they looked at a brain cell and bombarded it with manganese and took out
the copper and this produced the exact abnormality found in the brains of
animals that have died of BSE. Even though this was published in a prestigious
journal, it was completely ignored.
The Americans are being much wiser. When the
warble fly comes out on the back of the cow, they use organophosphates but they
use it as a water-based pour on, or as a powder. So it doesn’t go through the
skin and get into the spinal cord.
The organophosphate pesticide is very economical,
but the organic farmers I know don’t want to touch it.
It was never used in America on dairy cows because
it can contaminate the milk, but in Britain we were using it at an exclusively
high-dose rate.
I’m sure this caused the massive epidemic of BSE.
In fact, the government compelled the high dose rate. That’s why they won’t
accept the alternative explanation, for it would point to the government’s
liability for massive damages.
If your thesis is correct, then the more than 100
people who have contracted the human equivalent of BSE didn’t necessarily all
eat meat from a BSE cow.
I think in humans it is the same sort of toxic
template. If you look at the clusters of human infection in Britain, which are
all in rural and coastal areas, not in towns, if it were a matter of beef
consumption it would be spread more evenly.
I’ve done environmental studies of these clusters
and found very high levels of manganese. They’re all high in oxidizing agents.
A lot of the people in Britain who have provided me information indicate, for
example, that their children have used head-lice shampoos which contain the
same kind of organophosphates. So I think this is probably half of the problem.
In addition, consider the possibility that some of
these children affected may have also been brought up on soy-based formula.
I think there is also a genetic element. A lack of
copper in the body also seems to be a susceptibility factor.
We get copper from animal foods: meat and seafood
and so forth.
Manganese is a necessary dietary element.
But when it accumulates in the brain, that’s when
it is a problem.
We Americans should not take this BSE thing for
granted. The story that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is putting out is
that animals that are outside are much more likely to contract these wasting
diseases and I have a feeling that this is going to be used against small
farmers and grass-based farms. We do need to be armed with the truth in regard
to what is going on with this disease.
The growing concentration in the American food
industry is a real problem. We have four processors controlling 80 percent of
the beef that goes to four companies that control 90 percent of the meat sales
in America. Our Justice Department doesn’t see a problem with this kind of
monopoly. The situation is much worse than when Sinclair Lewis wrote The
Jungle. The conditions in these packing plants are just horrendous. It all ties
in to the BSE problem: the industrialization of livestock management, the use
of heavy chemicals, inappropriate feeding and the use of milk substitutes.
They want to raise the cows as fast as they can
and as cheaply as they can. Human nutrition is never considered.
However, the alternative system of grass-based
farming is growing by leaps and bounds and I’m afraid that the beef industry is
going to use the concern over BSE as a method to block the growth of the
competition from grass-based farming.
We recognize the need for some type of animal food
in the diet, whether it is milk or meat, but when these foods move into the
hands of the industry, they become denatured and we get inferior products.
We want to get back to small farms and direct
sales between farmers and consumers. In certain states they are already moving
against small grass-based farms, such as the chicken farms in Mississippi. The
big interests want chickens to be produced on industrial farms.
Mark, do you drink your cows’ milk?
I’ve raised all of my eight children on my cows’ milk and they are the picture of health.